How to Prevent Repetitive Shoulder Injury

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    • 1). Ensure that your workspace is ergonomically correct. Your chair should be high enough for you to be able to reach your work tools on your table without having to shrug your shoulders and while keeping your elbows in an angle slightly greater than 90 degrees. Place all frequently used objects within shoulder and hip height to avoid unnecessary overhead movements. Consider using armrests to unload your shoulders.

    • 2). Learn proper posture. Avoid rounding your shoulders and hunching forward. Relax your upper trapezius muscles (the ones between your neck and shoulders). points out that "muscles over the shoulders become strained from holding the shoulders in a raised position for long periods of time." Maintain your neck in a neutral position.

    • 3). Use caution when playing sports that involve frequent overhead movements. These include activities like tennis, swimming and baseball pitching. Take frequent breaks and warm up thoroughly. Use the correct form for the sport in which you participate. Last, do not overdo it the first few times you do the sport, but build up your skills and strength slowly.

    • 4). Exercise your shoulder muscles by doing pushups against the wall. Sit in an armchair and push yourself out of the chair using your arms. For a more intense exercise, attach a theraband (elastic tubing) to a door knob and pull the band toward you. Repeat each exercise five times each time twice a day in a gentle manner. Hold each repetition for five counts.

    • 5). Keep your rotator cuff muscles healthy. These muscles surround the shoulder joint, keep it together and enable you to reach overhead. Palms facing up, grasp the theraband with both hands. Ensure that the band is tight between your hands. Maintain your elbows in a 90-degree angle close to your waist (place rolled-up towels between elbow and waist to avoid pressing elbows against waist). Pull band out to the sides while maintaining elbows by the waist. Repeat eight to 12 times once a day.

    • 6). Avoid stress as much as possible and stretch your shoulders and your chest muscles. Tight chest muscles may lead to poor posture and, ultimately, shoulder pain. Find a corner and stand in front of it. Bring your arms up to chest height and lean the meaty part of your lower arms against the wall on either side of the corner. Keep your neck neutral and abdomen tight while you lean into the corner. You should feel a stretch in your chest. Hold 20-30 seconds. Repeat twice a day.

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