Motivation Comes in Baby Steps
One of the biggest problems that people face is lack of motivation.
Perhaps this is why America has the problem it has with obesity, etc.
In any case, take the simple example of exercising.
We know that it is good for us, yet so many of us experience excruciating difficulty in actually doing it! Even I am guilty of this charge.
For example, I like to run; but about a month ago I was injured in a soccer game when a girl ran into my right knee, causing me to sprain it.
The doctor informed me that I would have to take off a solid two weeks from exercise involving me knee.
However, only 6 days after that diagnosis, I was back on the soccer field again because I wanted to play so badly.
Wrong choice.
I ended up having to take the next two weeks off completely and then some because my knee was bothering me more.
Now that I've begun to start running again, I've found that it is more difficult to get myself motivated to do so.
Another problem that many of us face is that we are GREAT at coming up with excuses.
When it comes to exercising, we can always think of a million reasons why we don't have the time for it when, in fact, we can always make time for the things that are important.
For example, eating is important enough to us that we can find the time to go to the grocery store, pick up a bag of chips and then snack on that bag of chips until it is gone.
Why can't we have the same thing apply to us when it comes to other areas of our lives? Motivation is something that we need to learn how to do for ourselves.
Sometimes, motivation is akin to ripping off a band aid.
Sometimes, you just have to put one foot in front of the other and do it.
The hardest part about doing anything is getting started.
We have to first be disciplined.
Think about how badly you want to do something.
For instance, if you are focused on losing weight and getting down to a certain size, how are you planning on doing it? Have you written out a plan of action? What foods do you plan to eat? What things are you planning on doing to get yourself to that point? The same thing can apply to other areas of your life.
For instance, if you're tired of working for someone else and want to start your own business, how badly do you want to do it? Do you even know the first thing about having your own business? What kinds of products are you thinking of marketing? How do you plan to come up with the money to start it? What books have you read? What people have you gotten in touch wi regarding this endeavor? Nothing that is successful is ever done without some sort of trial and error.
There will be frustrating moments as you learn to become motivated, but this is only to be expected.
After all, nothing worth doing right is ever easy.
Perhaps this is why America has the problem it has with obesity, etc.
In any case, take the simple example of exercising.
We know that it is good for us, yet so many of us experience excruciating difficulty in actually doing it! Even I am guilty of this charge.
For example, I like to run; but about a month ago I was injured in a soccer game when a girl ran into my right knee, causing me to sprain it.
The doctor informed me that I would have to take off a solid two weeks from exercise involving me knee.
However, only 6 days after that diagnosis, I was back on the soccer field again because I wanted to play so badly.
Wrong choice.
I ended up having to take the next two weeks off completely and then some because my knee was bothering me more.
Now that I've begun to start running again, I've found that it is more difficult to get myself motivated to do so.
Another problem that many of us face is that we are GREAT at coming up with excuses.
When it comes to exercising, we can always think of a million reasons why we don't have the time for it when, in fact, we can always make time for the things that are important.
For example, eating is important enough to us that we can find the time to go to the grocery store, pick up a bag of chips and then snack on that bag of chips until it is gone.
Why can't we have the same thing apply to us when it comes to other areas of our lives? Motivation is something that we need to learn how to do for ourselves.
Sometimes, motivation is akin to ripping off a band aid.
Sometimes, you just have to put one foot in front of the other and do it.
The hardest part about doing anything is getting started.
We have to first be disciplined.
Think about how badly you want to do something.
For instance, if you are focused on losing weight and getting down to a certain size, how are you planning on doing it? Have you written out a plan of action? What foods do you plan to eat? What things are you planning on doing to get yourself to that point? The same thing can apply to other areas of your life.
For instance, if you're tired of working for someone else and want to start your own business, how badly do you want to do it? Do you even know the first thing about having your own business? What kinds of products are you thinking of marketing? How do you plan to come up with the money to start it? What books have you read? What people have you gotten in touch wi regarding this endeavor? Nothing that is successful is ever done without some sort of trial and error.
There will be frustrating moments as you learn to become motivated, but this is only to be expected.
After all, nothing worth doing right is ever easy.