Improve Your Credit and Save
The best way to improve your credit score and credit report is by carefully managing your finances.
Not only will you improve your credit, but you'll also save some money.
When you are in the market to upgrade any of the big ticket items in your house, do your homework.
Research the best various manufacturers, compare features and price point.
They key is to buy the item you need, without overpaying for features that you will never use.
Be wary of extended warranties.
If you've purchased form a reputable manufacturer your item should already have a warranty.
That warranty should be enough to get you through.
The extended warranties just add to the sticker price and they benefit the retailer, not you.
Have you ever taken a look at your phone bill? Do you really need all the extras? In the age of the Internet where you can email anyone, or instant chat with your cousin on the other side of the planet, how robust does your home phone service need to be? Do you own a cell phone? If yes, and you never call long distance why do you even have a home phone? Cutting down on the extra's the telephone company wants you to pay for can save you a bundle, which means you can use cash elsewhere, rather than using credit.
Shopping for a new vehicle? If so, consider buying a gently used car.
You'll pay half the price and get just as decent a car.
Many cars when purchased used from dealerships come with warranties which provides peace of mind.
Buying used means lower monthly payments, which is a smaller burden on your credit score.
Thinking of losing weight? Don't go and buy the most popular exercise equipment or join a gym.
Put on some running shoes and go for a brisk walk or job.
Do push-ups and si-tups at home.
You'd be surprised how much exercise you can do, just with your everyday surroundings to help you out.
When you go grocery shopping, don't go hungry.
You're more prone to purchasing extras that you don't need.
Always take a list with you and don't deviate from the list.
Shop during sales and coupon clip.
Everything goes on sale, be patient and wait for it.
You'll save bundles and be just as well dressed.
Only have one credit card.
That's right, just one.
It's all you need.
Pay off the balance in full every month.
This will send your credit rating through the roof, and that's what you want.
Good credit, no debt.
If you can manage to eliminate unnecessary expenditures you will have more money to pay off debt, save for your future or that dream vacation.
You will also raise your credit score by not being reliant on credit and ensuring that your debts are always repaid on time