How to Write Letters of Early Departure From an Apartment Lease
- 1). Include your name, apartment address and the date at the top of your early departure letter. The landlord will most likely need to contact you to set up a time to inspect the apartment, so include your phone number.
- 2). Add the landlord's name and address if you have it, below your name and contact information.
- 3). Write a professional, courteous greeting, such as "Dear Mr. Johnson."
- 4). Explain why you need to depart early from your apartment lease in the first paragraph. Be as detailed as possible, and be sure to include that the situation is out of your control. Express your sincere regret for the inconvenience it will cause, and request that the landlord make finding a new tenant for your apartment a priority. It might also help to let him know that you will be actively trying to find a new tenant, as well.
- 5). Let the landlord know when you can schedule an inspection of the apartment in the next paragraph. If you need to leave town immediately, explain that you will not be available for the in-person inspection, and state when you're available to talk on the phone.
- 6). Thank the landlord for his assistance with the matter and for understanding your situation.
- 7). Be sure to include your name at the end of the letter.