Raleigh"s Best Kept Little Real Estate Secret
You can talk to almost anybody that has visited the area and they will tell you how green and beautiful the area is. Lush forests blanket the area with rolling pines as far as the eye can see. With such a rich history and beautiful scenery, it's no wonder that the Raleigh, NC region has grown so quickly. Combine that with great Universities like Duke, North Carolina, and Wake Forest and the Research Triangle that are all located in the surrounding area and It becomes obvious that demand for Raleigh North Carolina Homes will only increase.
When looking for Raleigh NC Homes, it can be a daunting task to figure out where to start. If the city life is not for you, but you are still looking for Raleigh homes for sale and within a very short commute to the Raleigh area, then you owe it to yourself to at least take a look at the beautiful and historic Flowers Plantation.
What is Flowers Plantation?
Flowers Plantation is the largest Research Triangle planned community! It is composed of over 3000 contiguous acres under one ownership and master developer.
If you are looking for homes for sale in Raleigh [http://www.flowersplantation.com], proximity to all major locals is never far away. Flowers Plantation is just a 20 minute drive east of Raleigh. The Research Triangle Park is only a 35 minute commute.
Located in the Piedmont region, Flowers Plantation is also a quick drive to Interstate 95. Highway 42 East runs through the community, and is only 16 miles west of I-95. Also accessible by Hwy. 70, I-95 is 12 miles south of the community. Looking for a mountain vacation? The mountains of North Carolina are less than a 3.5 hour drive, and the coast is less than a 2 hour drive. Again, if you are looking for Raleigh NC Homes [http://www.flowersplantation.com], the Flowers Plantation should definitely be a priority.
Johnston County, the home county of Flowers Plantation, was rated the fastest growing county in the state of North Carolina following the 2000 Census.
The original farm was 4000 acres. The area developed is 3000 contiguous acres and is presently being annexed into the community of Flowers Plantation. Walking trails are constructed with each phase of development to connect each neighborhood to the next. The final plan has over four miles of connections by walking and bike trails.
Maintaining the rural and farm atmosphere has been given the prime significance here. There are 100 ft buffers along the Neuse River Parkway, which "hide" the communities and give a feeling of woodlands everywhere. Roads constructed are designed as "Parkways" instead if streets on the main drives.
There are two elementary public schools within the 3000 acres. East Clayton Elementary opened in 1996 and River Dell Elementary, named after the community's development company, opened in August of 2003. Future plans include a private educational facility. There is also a private day care facility across from East Clayton Elementary School.
NC State University, UNC Chapel Hill, Duke University and NC Central University are all within a 45-minute commute.
Facts About The Flowers Plantation:
1) Flowers Plantation is this distance from...
Raleigh/Durham International Airport (RDU): 35 miles
Duke Medical Center: 45 miles
Nearest Grocery Store: 1-5 miles
Nearest Medical Facility: Urgent Care 5 miles
Hospital 12 miles
Downtown Raleigh: 20 miles
Downtown Durham: 35 miles
Town of Smithfield, NC: 12 miles
Town of Clayton, NC: 2 miles
2) City Taxes
There are NO city Taxes at Flowers Plantation.
3) How much are the Property Taxes?
Annual property tax, Flowers Plantation: $0.95 for 2010 per $100.00 valuation.
Property taxes assessed at the current tax rates for County and special districts on property owned on January 1 of each year, as listed by the taxpayer during the month of January each year. Property taxes become payable September 1 and are payable without penalty through January 5. After January 5, penalties and interest begin to accrue.
Flowers Plantation offers many amenities to compliment busy lifestyles:
a. THE PINEVILLE CLUB SPA/FITNESS....is a state of the arts 20,000 sq. ft. spa with 10,000 sq. ft. fitness floor on the second level.
b. The Pineville Club Fitness Center offers group and individual fitness programs as well as personal training. The recreational program has a strong emphasis on family. Children become involved in aquatics through the Piranhas Swim Team. Recreation involves family hikes, picnics, tennis and football.
c. The spa services include massage, body wraps, facials, and brow tint and waxing.
d. THE NEUSE RIVER PARKWAY RECREATION CENTER...provides summer family swim programs and tennis.
e. THE VILLAGE FARMER'S MARKET....offers fresh seasonal produce, homemade pies, cakes, jellies and jams...not to mention their homemade fudge!
f. FISHING...in three lakes in The Village at Flowers Plantation provides summer family fun.
g. WALKING....is the central fitness feature and miles of walking trails were incorporated in the conceptual master plan of 1986. Every neighborhood is connected to another through walking trails.
Conclusion about The Flowers Plantation
As you can see, there are many reasons to call this to the best kept little secret in Raleigh. You owe it to yourself to at least take a look at The Flowers Plantation for homes for sale in Raleigh. There are numerous subdivisions to choose from your new Raleigh, NC Homes.