Can Menopause and Anxiety Attacks Be Avoided?
About one in ten adults will regularly suffer from anxiety attacks on a regular basis, and those numbers are even higher among women who are going through menopause.
Menopause and anxiety attacks don't always have to go together, but they often do.
This is due in part to the changing hormonal balance in a woman's body.
As she enters perimenopause and her hormones begin to change, they can send her into a state of psychological anxiety.
This anxiety can turn into full-blown panic attacks that can hit at any time.
While some women choose prescription medications to deal with these, many more women are looking toward natural products that produce the same results.
Another reason why menopause and anxiety attacks often go together is because a woman's sleep patterns can change considerably during menopause.
Most Americans suffer from some level of sleep deprivation, but those numbers are far higher for women who are in menopause.
Whether it is because of waking up with night sweats, or just not getting enough solid sack time, women often find that menopause and anxiety attacks are part of their daily life.
There are products available that will help to eliminate the effects, both psychologically and physically, of menopause.
These products help women with all aspects of this change of life, from the sweats, anxiety, and problems with sleeping, to lack of sexual appetite or weight gain.
Menopause can be an extremely stressful and depressing time for any woman, and by getting the help you need in a natural product, you will be more likely to come out of menopause feeling healthy and good about yourself.