Did You Get Hurt Or Injured? If So-You Should Know This!
The term injury means damage caused to the structure or function of the body.
It may have been caused by accident or inflicted deliberately by an external agent.
Or it could have been caused by physical or chemical agent or force.
The result may be injured feelings or reputation.
It need not be injury to the body.
Injury can be categorized as hamstring injury, cold injury, needle stick, trauma etc.
Hamstring - Tendons at the back of the knee or the side walls of the hollow behind the knee.
Pulled hamstring happens to any one in sports.
Cold injury - It happens to those, mostly young and elderly, with and without freezing of body tissues.
Needle-stick injury - A needle or any other sharp object can cause a stab wound that will lead to exposure to blood or other body fluids.
Before anything happens, wash needle-sticks with soap and water.
Trauma - It is a serious bodily injury, wound or shock.
Physically or emotionally inflicted injury is also called Trauma.
People with severe injuries are brought to hospitals.
Excess heat or cold frostbite will cause injuries or burns.
Injuries to the bones are fractures.
Cuts and grazes are injuries to the skin.
Laceration or bleeding is the result normally.
A bruise is a hemorrhage under the skin caused by contusion.
Emotional injury can be explained in detail.
Damage to one's self respect or social standing is an emotional injury.
Sexual harassment can cause deep emotional injury.
Athletic or sports injuries happen in every sporting event.
There is an element of risk of death in cases of serious bodily injury to the victim.