Build #InboundLinks Naturally and Avoid #BlackHatSEO
What is black hat search engine optimization? It's a process of paying someone or a company to have an inflated number of relevant links immediately linking to your site. The goal is to artificially inflate your blog or website in search engines above competition and benefit from overnight floods of search engine traffic. Black hat search engine optimization is also used as an illegitimate tactic to make money from affiliate programs. If you're an affiliate marketer and looking to honestly earn a full-time income from affiliate programs, avoid black hat Internet link building methods altogether. If you received an e-mail or telephone call from any Internet marketing company offering you the option of "purchasing paid links" for search engine optimization purposes, ignore them altogether. If you give in to black hat search engine link building and your site virtually blows up overnight getting floods of traffic from search engines, your site will crash and burn in Google and Yahoo in a matter of months and potentially-most likely get delisted, kicked out.
Article marketing and including links to relevant pages to your blog or website in the header of YouTube video descriptions is to natural ways to build links. Of course, natural link building requires dedication and long-term focus. Natural link building is something you can't achieve overnight but benefits your site for years. You can also use document sharing and including links in the body of your documents and share them with people on social networks as a way of naturally building inbound links. Including links in the body of your document is a great way to not only increase your natural link building, but, also rank better in search engines years later.
Creating content for your blog or website daily is also a great way to build inbound links. If your content is that good, people will naturally link to it and you will be referenced on other people's sites, which will positively benefit your search engine rankings. The overall goal of natural link building is not only creating unique content, writing articles, and including links back to your site in the header of YouTube video descriptions, but, gaining a positive advantage of receiving steady streams of traffic from social networks and search engines for years. Natural link building will definitely teach you patience in this line of work. You can also learn more information about natural link building by performing a search in your favorite search engine.