The Quality Of Your Content Matters To Google
             The algorithm is supposed to be able to determine the quality of the article, how informative it is, and how well the article is written. It sounds like we've come into "the future" where a machine can read and analyze for us. After doing some tests, it does seem able to tell believe it or not.
             This has a positive side and a negative side to it. The positive side is that websites that are legitimately trying to produce well written, quality content are able to out rank a content farm that takes that original work and posts it on the content farm site illegally. It gives the websites that are genuinely trying to help its readers a bit of a leg up on the internet marketers just trying to earn a quick buck.
             Another positive thing is the motivation provided by Google's new algorithm to hire an article ghost writer to help you with your content creation. In order to rank well, you have to write well, and have high quality content. If your writing skills aren't what they should be, then this is the perfect opportunity to branch out and hire some help. Delegating the task of article writing is a great first step in growing your online business in the right direction. These writers are professionals, and know how to write in a way that optimizes the content for good old Google.
This may sound like a negative effect, but the reason I say it's a positive is because this is the first step in becoming really successful online. When you don't have to focus so much of your time on writing content, you're free to focus on more important aspects of your online business. Aspects like marketing, product creation, networking, etc. If nothing else, this frees you up to enjoy more time with friends and family while your content is still being created.
Now for the negative side of things. To be honest, the only thing I can say negative about this new algorithm is that it will drive some folks out of business. Generally though, these folks are using unscrupulous business practices to "farm" or "scrape" content illegally from other sources. So this could be considered really a positive.
In general Google's new algorithm won't really hurt you if you have high quality, well written content on your site. Hiring an article ghost writer can be a great way to accomplish this. With the combination of awesome content on your site, and Google's new algorithm, you should be all set to out rank all your competition!