Weight-Loss Surgery Might Reduce Serious Asthma Flare-Ups
Weight-Loss Surgery Might Reduce Serious Asthma Flare-Ups
Emergency visits, hospitalizations for airway disease dropped by half after procedure, study finds
Still, Hasegawa contended that "it's plausible that bariatric surgery-associated weight loss reversed the obesity-asthma link."
However, he cautioned that bariatric surgery isn't a simple fix, and that surgery can be associated with multiple complications. "There is no great nonsurgical weight-loss intervention in this population to date. This should be an important focus for future investigations," Hasegawa pointed out.
But, Morton said, the complication rates for weight-loss surgery aren't much different from other surgeries. "Many people think this is a high-risk surgery, but it has the same low mortality rate [less than one percent] as gallbladder surgery, and advances in laparoscopy have reduced hospitalization to only a two-day stay," explained Morton.
For those considering surgery, he advised people to have bariatric surgery only at an accredited center that provides extensive patient education and pre- and post-surgery support.
Can Weight-Loss Surgery Reduce Asthma Flare-Ups?
Emergency visits, hospitalizations for airway disease dropped by half after procedure, study finds
Still, Hasegawa contended that "it's plausible that bariatric surgery-associated weight loss reversed the obesity-asthma link."
However, he cautioned that bariatric surgery isn't a simple fix, and that surgery can be associated with multiple complications. "There is no great nonsurgical weight-loss intervention in this population to date. This should be an important focus for future investigations," Hasegawa pointed out.
But, Morton said, the complication rates for weight-loss surgery aren't much different from other surgeries. "Many people think this is a high-risk surgery, but it has the same low mortality rate [less than one percent] as gallbladder surgery, and advances in laparoscopy have reduced hospitalization to only a two-day stay," explained Morton.
For those considering surgery, he advised people to have bariatric surgery only at an accredited center that provides extensive patient education and pre- and post-surgery support.