Food Allergies
Food allergy reactions can be from very moderate to very severe and life threatening.
It is important to know there is a distant difference between the food intolerance and the true food allergy.
With a food intolerance the person may be able to eat a small amount with out any type reaction, but the true food allergy will not allow for any ingestion of that food at all with out any food allergy symptoms.
Once the food allergy or the trigger is determined it is very important to avoid that food or foods.
Your physician may ask that a food diary is kept.
This will help to determine the foods and which ones cause a reaction.
A family history will also be of help in determining a pattern.
The skin test and the blood tests can also be used even for determining food allergies in children.
Working with a health provider to determine a written plan that you can read, study and remember will be a great place for you to start your treatment and avoidance of the trigger foods.
A cookbook that is very specific to your food allergies can help you relearn to plan your menus.
This will not only give up more recipes to choose from but can also help you learn to make substitutions and to have a more diversified diet and food choices.
For example you might learn how to choose, purchase and prepare the more exotic fruit or vegetables if that is what your trigger foods happen to be.
This will help you learn to cook allergy free foods.
Learn to read all food container labels.
Be aware of the different alternate names for the foods you are allergic to.
For some one who has an allergy to milk should avoid any food that has the ingredients lactoglobulin, sodium caseinate, casein and nougat.
A person with the allergic reaction to eggs will need to avoid the ingredients with albumin and egg whites.
Do not put your self and your health at risk.
If you are not sure, call the manufacture.
Shopping for a food allergy diet is not hard once you become familiar with what to look for and avoid.
It is also a great idea to let all of your family and loved ones know what you are allergic to.
It is important for them to not only know the foods that will cause a reaction, but they need to know what reactions to look for.
If your physician has provided antihistamines or the injections such as the EpiPen or the Twinject, make sure they know what and how to use them.
Do not be ashamed or embarrassed to wear any type of medical identification such as the medical bracelet.
Consider the Food Allergy Initiative suggests a card with a list of the foods you are allergic to.
This can be given to the server, manager or the chef before placing your order as not restaurant wants you to get sick inside their establishment
It is important to know there is a distant difference between the food intolerance and the true food allergy.
With a food intolerance the person may be able to eat a small amount with out any type reaction, but the true food allergy will not allow for any ingestion of that food at all with out any food allergy symptoms.
Once the food allergy or the trigger is determined it is very important to avoid that food or foods.
Your physician may ask that a food diary is kept.
This will help to determine the foods and which ones cause a reaction.
A family history will also be of help in determining a pattern.
The skin test and the blood tests can also be used even for determining food allergies in children.
Working with a health provider to determine a written plan that you can read, study and remember will be a great place for you to start your treatment and avoidance of the trigger foods.
A cookbook that is very specific to your food allergies can help you relearn to plan your menus.
This will not only give up more recipes to choose from but can also help you learn to make substitutions and to have a more diversified diet and food choices.
For example you might learn how to choose, purchase and prepare the more exotic fruit or vegetables if that is what your trigger foods happen to be.
This will help you learn to cook allergy free foods.
Learn to read all food container labels.
Be aware of the different alternate names for the foods you are allergic to.
For some one who has an allergy to milk should avoid any food that has the ingredients lactoglobulin, sodium caseinate, casein and nougat.
A person with the allergic reaction to eggs will need to avoid the ingredients with albumin and egg whites.
Do not put your self and your health at risk.
If you are not sure, call the manufacture.
Shopping for a food allergy diet is not hard once you become familiar with what to look for and avoid.
It is also a great idea to let all of your family and loved ones know what you are allergic to.
It is important for them to not only know the foods that will cause a reaction, but they need to know what reactions to look for.
If your physician has provided antihistamines or the injections such as the EpiPen or the Twinject, make sure they know what and how to use them.
Do not be ashamed or embarrassed to wear any type of medical identification such as the medical bracelet.
Consider the Food Allergy Initiative suggests a card with a list of the foods you are allergic to.
This can be given to the server, manager or the chef before placing your order as not restaurant wants you to get sick inside their establishment