Storing Your Precious Metals
One of the most logical storage spots is an in home safe. If you choose to store your metals in one of these you will want to make sure that the safe is either bolted to the ground or wall that way a thief cannot get away with it, if it's a large safe it would be harder for them to take it. Most burglars however have the tools to actually break open a safe, which is why many people have their safes hidden in the floor or wall.
You do not necessarily need to store your metals in a safe provided you get creative and find a spot in your home that is well hidden and not obvious to a burglar. For example, you could hide them under a floorboard, behind a furnace, or refrigerator. You can be a little more creative and hide them in a shaving cream can provided you leave the can in the bathroom. It may be a little suspicious to a burglar if the shaving cream can was stored in the kitchen, garage etc.
Another good spot would be to bury them deep into the ground near a landmark that has no intention or ability to move, this way you can have a general/better idea where your holdings are located. You will want to place your metals in a water-tight container to ensure good protection and also tell one person that you really trust where your hidings are in case something were to happen where you could not retrieve them yourself.
Storing a portion or all of your precious metals in a third party vault can provide convenience and no hassles. Many people choose bank safe-deposit boxes as their storage option and can be a lot safer then most home storage methods. There are however some down sides to bank safe-deposit boxes such as you do not have total access to your precious metals or complete privacy. By having your metals stored in a safe-deposit box it is possible that they could be seized by the IRS, other government agencies, or, in rare cases, private creditors. There is also a likely storage fee that comes along with bank safe-deposit boxes.
If you have a large amount of precious metals to store you may want to consider storing them at a bullion vaulting service. There are several factors that you will want to consider when choosing a vaulting company. Will your metals be protected through insurance in case there was a natural disaster or large-scale heist? Looking in to what state or country the vaulting company is in because it can make a huge difference in the price it will cost to use their services. There are also some vaulting facilities that can allow you to store your precious metals outside of the United States.
Choosing the best option for you is ideal and whatever you choose just be sure you know that your metals are protected and secure.