Water Play Activities for Infants & Toddlers
- Use empty plastic soda, water or other bottles to fill with water and other goodies for your child to explore. Fill the bottles one-third full with water and one-third full of baby oil or vegetable oil; add food coloring of your choice and items such as beads, dice and other small toys. Be sure to secure the lid on by taping it or gluing the threads prior to closing the lid so that it stays shut while your child plays. Have your child shake or roll the bottles to "discover" what is inside. Education.com suggests using blue food coloring, sand and small shells to create an "ocean in a bottle."
- Have fun in the bath and create water play by splashing with your baby in the bath. Make bathtime a joyful time by bringing in toys, squirters and bubbles for baby to play with. Rotate toys often to prevent boredom.
- Teach baby valuable lessons and get your plants watered, too, with this water play activity. Give your child a small watering can or other container and fill with water. Let her water the plants outdoors and learn how to correctly pour the water.
- Use a water table to create a fun space for infants and toddlers to discover. You can use a premade water table or make your own using a large, shallow tub filled with water. Give your child a variety of cups -- some with holes, some without -- with which to play in the water. Encourage imaginative play by giving your child a baby doll and help her to give the baby a bath. Be sure to drain and replace the water regularly to keep the play area clean.