How to Generate Hydrogen Power?
There is another way to generate hydropower and you get this form the sea. This is also known as wave power or wave energy which uses changes in the air levels of sealed chambers to power turbines. When a wave rises into the chamber, the rise water pushes the air out which then turns a generator.
Once the wave goes down, air flows into the turbine and back into the chamber through doors that will close.
These chambers remain afloat on the ocean and how much power it produces varies. A lot of these are used on the western coasts of Scotland, northern Canada, southern Africa, Australia, and the north-western coasts of the United States. These systems are usually small and can power a warning buoy or a small light house.
There is also tidal energy. The difference with wave energy is that when the tide approaches, the water is trapped in reservoirs behind dams. When the tide drops, the water behind the dam is released thus producing power similar to a hydroelectric power plant.
This can only work if you have tides that are at least 16 feet and since there are only a few places in the planet that can do that.
Lastly, you have ocean thermal energy. Here, you get power based on the different temperatures in the water. For this to work, you need at least 38 degrees Fahrenheit difference between the warmer surface water and the colder deep ocean water. Still in the trial stage, it is used Japan and Hawaii.
Hydropower is a green energy source. It is safe to use and what is even better is that it is renewable.
Trivia: The latest green energy source today is Green energy from waste. It is produced by having the technology called biosphere. It uses a process called biosphere gasification technology in order to eliminate wastes and produce electricity and other useful by – products.
It doesn't just aid green energy demands but environmental issues as well. Unlike incineration, gasification is a process that is done in a very limited oxygen atmosphere in order to avoid any atmospheric emissions.
With the ailing environmental catastrophes, we should consider going green and choosing the best green alternatives.