6th in Series: How to Get Paid Taking Surveys and Other Creative Online Jobs
Because of these abuses and the market finally getting back on its feet, workers are saying "enough" and leaving. Hurray for the masses and hurray for the economic improvement. We can all sigh collectively with relief now. But wait! What are these workers going to do once they leave their jobs? Many are turning to freelance work or other types of online work.
As I'm sure you know, this series is about how to make money from home. If you are ready to leave your job, please take the time to read my previous articles and look for ways to make money from home. Many workers who were laid off during the recession found work online and now get paid to take online surveys. An online survey can net your $2 to $9 and sometimes even more. I've never taken online surveys that took longer than a half hour to finish. Clearing houses like http://www.getpaidtotry.com/ are good places to find the best paid surveys and you can avoid being ripped off that way.
As promised, here is the 6th segment of online job ideas. If you have more ideas, please list them in the comment section.
1) Get paid for web surfing. Some companies will pay people to surf the web for marketing ideas and to find out more about their competition. This is basically market research. I would love to do this for a job. I surf the web when I'm bored anyway, so it would be even better to get paid to do it!
2) Take advantage of reward sites that give you rewards from products you already buy. Obviously, this one won't pay the bills, but it will make you a little extra money for birthday or Christmas presents.
3) Start your own search engine. You need a LOT of computer knowledge to pull this one off, but if you can do it, creating your own search engine can open the door to a world of opportunity and money.
4) Invest in virtual real estate. That pretty much just means snatching up domain names. For example, there are about a hundred thousand websites out there to buy makeup. If you can get your hands on the most popular keywords people type in on search engines when looking to buy makeup, you can create a domain name and sell it to a business that sells makeup. Just be sure that .net, .com and .org are all open for the URL and you're got yourself a nice little piece of virtual real estate. Create a website and leave the tabs open for the buyer to fill out.
Stay tuned for the 7th in the series about how to get paid taking surveys and other creative online jobs.