Start a Home Tutoring Service
What do I need to become a tutor?
There is no specific qualification required to become a tutor and no special professional licensing requirements. However you do need a good knowledge of your subject and an ability to instruct and teach others. The level of acceptable qualification or training depends on what level you are tutoring.
What will my home tutoring service offer?
There are a number of services you can offer as a tutor. You may be required to help a struggling student get up to speed in one or a number of subjects from reading to math. You may be needed to supervise and help students to do their homework and assignments by working parents who are unable to spend this time with their kids. You can decide whether you will offer one-to-one tutoring or whether you will provide a group service. Will you go to the students' homes or will you tutor from your own home or even a mutually convenient place such as the local library. What level are your comfortable tutoring and what subjects are you competent to teach?
How will I get tutoring jobs?
You need to get a few initial clients and then through word of mouth your tutoring business should grow quickly. There are a number of inexpensive approaches to finding tutoring jobs including creating and distributing a business flyer, advertising in school newsletters and community newspapers, placing ads on sites likes craigslist and advertising on college and school community boards. You can network with teachers and other educational professionals to ask for referrals.
How much can I earn?
This will vary depending on your level of expertise, what and who you are tutoring and where your business is located. Do some market research to find out what similar tutoring services in your area are charging. Consider your credentials, the complexity of the tutoring you are doing, whether it is individual or group tutoring, travelling distances and the demand for tutors in that particular subject. Rates can vary anywhere between $15 to $40 per hour depending on location and level and type of tutoring. A tutor contract, brief but covering all the necessary details, signed by the client and yourself helps to ensure that your home tutoring service operates on a professional level.
Becoming a tutor can be a fulfilling home business opportunity if you are genuinely interested in education. Find out more about starting a tutoring service at Start a Tutor Business.