Sinus Compounding Pharmacy – Providing An Alternative Solution for Your Sinus Problems
Have you heard about customizing your medications to treat your sinus troubles? Not all drugs are for everyone since each person has a unique way of responding to medicines. If you have attempted all kinds of treatment methods and taken all the sinus medicines you could put your hands on, but you are still unable to find the right one, you could strongly consider learning about what a sinusitis compounding pharmacy can do for you.
History of Compounding
Hunter-gatherers who relied on wild plants and animals to survive used compounding to treat open wounds with the use of oils extracted from plants which are known to possess medicinal healing properties. The Alchemy movement brought about the creation of pharmaceutical compounding and modern pharmacies. Early druggists went on to isolate different chemical compounds of natural elements that helped produce dyes, cosmetics and preservatives. Advanced methods of compounding drugs paved the way for the opening of the first drugstores in the Middle East and eventually in Europe and North America. Discoveries of drugs like penicillin made it possible for pharmaceutical companies to do mass production, a major cause of decline of compounding pharmacy. In the 1950s, the drug industry in the US started to supply pharmacies with standardized prepared medicines.
Compounding for Your Needs
Today, compounding pharmacists continue to perform and promote this method which is considered a "lost art". A compounding pharmacy mixes drugs and medications for your particular need. Your doctor may find that you may require a higher or lesser dosage as opposed to the usual strength of a standard drug. Taste, flavor, texture and form can be adjusted to make it easier for the individual to ingest, or suit patient preference, especially children. Compounding can transform medicines into different forms like liquid, mist, oral rinses, lollipop, transdermal cream or gel for the skin. Ingredients can also be modified or taken out if you are allergic to particular substances. A compounding pharmacist can also formulate a drug mix for you in the event that your favorite medication is totally pulled out from the market. He or she also makes sure that drugs are tested, safe and effective before the drugs are introduced to the public.
Benefits of a Sinusitis Compounding Pharmacy
Modern technology has enabled researchers and physicians to develop newer and advanced methods in treating sinusitis. Popular medications like oral decongestants and common antibiotics, although considered as initial treatment options for sinusitis, at times fail in delivering positive results. They can even cause side effects like drowsiness or stomach disorders. A sinusitis compounding pharmacy is a great source for an alternative treatment method that can benefit sinus patients through customized medications. Treatment can come in the form of nebulized antibiotics, anti-fungals and anti-inflammatory drugs that are dispensed through a micro-pump aerosolized nebulizer. This method has been proven effective by users and patients who suffer from chronic and acute sinusitis, rhinitis, and allergy attacks. Once the nebulized mist is inhaled, the patient reportedly feels immediate relief since the small particles that enter through the nasal passages travels directly to the problem area within the sinuses. Elimination of sinusitis symptoms such as headache, congestion, postnasal drip, cough and facial pain and pressure have also been reported with the utilization of sinusitis compounded medicines through this type of medicated irrigation. This process is also said to have very little, if any, side effects since treatment is topical and is not fully absorbed in the bloodstream.
History of Compounding
Hunter-gatherers who relied on wild plants and animals to survive used compounding to treat open wounds with the use of oils extracted from plants which are known to possess medicinal healing properties. The Alchemy movement brought about the creation of pharmaceutical compounding and modern pharmacies. Early druggists went on to isolate different chemical compounds of natural elements that helped produce dyes, cosmetics and preservatives. Advanced methods of compounding drugs paved the way for the opening of the first drugstores in the Middle East and eventually in Europe and North America. Discoveries of drugs like penicillin made it possible for pharmaceutical companies to do mass production, a major cause of decline of compounding pharmacy. In the 1950s, the drug industry in the US started to supply pharmacies with standardized prepared medicines.
Compounding for Your Needs
Today, compounding pharmacists continue to perform and promote this method which is considered a "lost art". A compounding pharmacy mixes drugs and medications for your particular need. Your doctor may find that you may require a higher or lesser dosage as opposed to the usual strength of a standard drug. Taste, flavor, texture and form can be adjusted to make it easier for the individual to ingest, or suit patient preference, especially children. Compounding can transform medicines into different forms like liquid, mist, oral rinses, lollipop, transdermal cream or gel for the skin. Ingredients can also be modified or taken out if you are allergic to particular substances. A compounding pharmacist can also formulate a drug mix for you in the event that your favorite medication is totally pulled out from the market. He or she also makes sure that drugs are tested, safe and effective before the drugs are introduced to the public.
Benefits of a Sinusitis Compounding Pharmacy
Modern technology has enabled researchers and physicians to develop newer and advanced methods in treating sinusitis. Popular medications like oral decongestants and common antibiotics, although considered as initial treatment options for sinusitis, at times fail in delivering positive results. They can even cause side effects like drowsiness or stomach disorders. A sinusitis compounding pharmacy is a great source for an alternative treatment method that can benefit sinus patients through customized medications. Treatment can come in the form of nebulized antibiotics, anti-fungals and anti-inflammatory drugs that are dispensed through a micro-pump aerosolized nebulizer. This method has been proven effective by users and patients who suffer from chronic and acute sinusitis, rhinitis, and allergy attacks. Once the nebulized mist is inhaled, the patient reportedly feels immediate relief since the small particles that enter through the nasal passages travels directly to the problem area within the sinuses. Elimination of sinusitis symptoms such as headache, congestion, postnasal drip, cough and facial pain and pressure have also been reported with the utilization of sinusitis compounded medicines through this type of medicated irrigation. This process is also said to have very little, if any, side effects since treatment is topical and is not fully absorbed in the bloodstream.