How to Clean a Concrete Floor Slab
- 1). Use the non-metallic scrub brush and water to wash the floor. This should remove the surface dirt.
- 2). Clean floors with extreme stains or dirt with water, mild soap and ammonia. Scrub the floor with this mixture using the scrub brush. Be careful when using ammonia; you will need good ventilation for fumes. Check the label on the soap you use to guarantee it does not contain chlorine bleach. You should never mix ammonia with bleach; the toxicity of the fumes is dangerous and, even, life-threatening.
- 3). Staining or sealing procedures will require a more thorough cleaning. Any remaining substances become permanently embedded. To clean and degrease, use trisodium phosphate (TSP) and a rotary floor scrubber.
- 4). Scrape off as much of the stuck material (such as glue or gum) as possible with a putty knife. Apply a poultice of fly ash or hydrated lime mixed with denatured alcohol to make a smooth paste. Let the mixture dry, and then scrub off with a stiff-bristled brush.
- 5). Apply a stripper and degreaser, if necessary, following the instructions provided with the product. After application, scrub the floor again with TSP, and rinse with water.