LDS Church Art - In Your Ward Meeting House
The church usually does not want LDS church art in the actual chapel where the congregation meets, whether this is just tradition or policy is unknown.
If you are curious you may speak to your local authorities to find out if there is a reason, however, it is possible that the reason is so that during sacrament meeting members are not distracted.
The main place in an LDS ward meeting house to find art is in the hallways and walkways.
The ward bishopric and stake presidency usually chooses this art.
They will decide what is appropriate for your area based on church policy.
You will find paintings of the Savior, Joseph Smith, the current prophets and apostles.
Some simple pictures of nature might also be used.
Usually the art is framed, matted and under glass or plastic covering.
Often you might also see canvas prints.
However, Most LDS church art is actually located in your meeting house library.
This art is not displayed.
Usually, it is cataloged neatly in small compartments so you can easily find a specific painting or picture that you might need for a Sunday school lesson.
Any time you find that you don't have a particular painting you can always contact your ward or stake Sunday school president and request it so that your meeting house can have it.
LDS Church art can help members to feel the spirit while within the walls of the chapel.
Appropriate LDS art brings the spirit of reverence into any chapel or home.