Spiritually Communicating With the Deceased
How I started being able to communicate with the deceased started with my father's passing in 1994. He passed away in the morning; the following morning as I awoke he was screaming into my right ear everything he wanted to me to know. I woke up saying, "Dad, you're hurting my ear. Stop talking so loud." I then did my best to remember exactly what he had been saying. It amazed me. I had never had such a spiritual connection in my life. Over the next few days he appeared to me, each time with a message. Throughout the years he has continued to communicate and on rare occasions I have been able to see him. It's absolutely fascinating.
Even though I had studied religions and beliefs in the afterlife, it never became real to me until my communication with my father. I have absolute belief in life after death. I think this is what has opened me up to be able to receive messages from people who are deceased.
I moved into a house in 1998 that had been custom designed by a paraplegic. He had died in that house. It only took a few days after moving in before he started manifesting his presence by turning on lights. From there a multitude of spirits started coming around. Sometimes as I would be sleeping there would be many walking around my bedroom quietly, but the sound of the carpet moving would wake me up, I could actually see them at this point, and I would ask them to please be quiet and they always cooperated. I continued to have many spirits visit me in this house.
Not all that visited me were all of God. Many of my friends had bad experiences seeing different spirits throughout my house. Even my cleaning lady who could not speak English came out of my bedroom scared one day and was able to tell me about a spirit that came out of the closet and frightened her. My best friend saw the same spirit coming out of my closet and it scared him. I would just keep myself surrounded in God's White Light and trust that I would be protected. Eventually I sold this home, but it still holds a very special place in my heart.
The more I worked as a professional psychic medium I started receiving messages and images from the other side. I finally had a client ask me if I could communicate with her son who had been killed in an automobile accident. I told her that I would try. What came through amazed not only me, but her. I was able to tell her so much about what he felt and how happy he was now. From there I started working more on communicating with the dead and found that the answers started coming faster.
Now I communicate with the deceased on a regular basis for my clients. It's always intriguing to hear what comes through. Believe me it's one of my favorite parts of doing this work.
Spirits or deceased loved ones don't all speak. Some think to us; their messages come through as thoughts. They also communicate with us through images, pictures in our minds. We receive pictures, one at a time. Again, interpretation is the key.
When we go to the other side, we go to a very different culture. There is a prevailing calmness over there. The day-to-day dramas don't exist as we know them. Souls on the other side aren't caught up in the daily struggles we are or in the deep need to survive. They realize they have survived, and they see life here as a series of experiences to learn from. They don't always cling to the memories the way we have a tendency to do. They experience everything in present tense. There are no clocks or calendars, no time as we think of it. Yes, souls on the other side do have memories; they remember some of their yesterdays, but they're not necessarily the ones we remember.
Finally, remember that departed loved ones may be having just as hard a time as we are accepting their deaths. It's very important to respect their process. Pulling on them too hard makes it harder for them to move on. If you are having a difficult time with the loss of a loved one, don't ask your loved one to comfort you. Seek out someone here who can help you. If your loved one is having a difficult time, perhaps it will do the same on the other side.
Life after physical death is truly a reunion back to our real life, our true existence. Just as our clothes cover our bodies, our bodies cover our souls. When our souls move out of our bodies and move on to the next dimension, they are free! Free to see and know the truth about themselves, their lives, heaven, and God.