Spirit Board Craft Project

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Spirit Board Craft Project

Step-by-step instructions for making your own spirit board. Two slightly different boards are shown in this tutorial. The first spirit board is made using stickers and the second astrological-themed board is made with stencils and paint. Both are fun to make just for yourself, as a birthday or slumber party activity, or a summer camp project. Spirit boards are used for play and also spirit communications.

Spirit boards or "talking boards" were first popular in the late 1800s to early 1900s. Today the best known "seance board" is the The Ouija Board Party Game. It is sold by Parker Brothers / Hasbro Company. They are currently marketing a Glow-in-the-Dark Ouija Board... boo!

Spirit Board Supplies Needed

Supplies Needed:
  • Plastic round cake board (14 or 16 inches in diameter)
  • Alphabet stickers or stencil sheet
  • Your choice of theme stickers or stencil patterns (butterflies, flowers, moon and stars, ghosts, etc.)
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Stencil brush and paints
  • Clear glass votive candle holder (or clear shot glass)
  • Sealer spray or Mod Podge brush on sealer

Sticker Cutouts

Cut out all the individual sticker pieces needed to design your board. You will need all 26 letters of the alphabet, also additional letters to spell out the words "yes" and "no." Optionally, include the numbers 0-9 if you like. Some boards include markings for four directions (North, South, East, and West) or the four basic elements (air, earth, fire, water). You'll also typically find the words "Hello" and "Good Bye" on talking boards.

If you want to make a more detailed board use a 16 inch cake board. Both boards in this tutorial were made using a 14" round so space for additional components was some what limited.

Spirit Board Design Layout

After you have individual sticker pieces cutout begin experimenting with the arrangement of each of the elements for your spirit board. Don't adhere any of the stickers to the board yet. Be careful not to place the letters too close together, as this may make it difficult to decipher which letters are chosen by entities once you begin inviting spirit communications. Test place your planchette over the letters to allow for proper spacing.

Have fun playing around with the layout until you are satisfied with your design.

Spirit Board Finishing Touches

Adhere each of the stickers in place. Butterflies were the theme of this spirit board. Butterflies symbolize transformation or transition from the physical (caterpillar) into spirit (butterfly). If you like, you can use your new board right away. You will need a planchette to divine spirit messages. Use a small glass cup turned upside down (a votive candle holder or even a shot glass will work) as your planchette.

Also, if you want to preserve your board so that it lasts longer it is a good idea to seal your board by applying a spray sealer or a few coats of a brush-on type sealer like Mod Podge. This will help keep your stickers from "unsticking" later on.

Astrological Spirit Board Craft Project

The second spirit board in this craft project tutorial is made with stencil and paint. The theme for this board is astrological, stencils chosen are of the sun, stars, and a crescent moon. Use an 18" office ruler to make sure the sun face design gets painted onto the exact center of the 14" round cake board (FYI - you can find cake rounds in baking supplies at craft stores and in baking departments at supermarkets).

Secure Stencil Sheet

Secure your stencil to the plastic cake round with painter's tape. This will assure that the stencil does not slip when you are painting.

Dipping Your Paint Brush

There are special brushes used for stencil work. When dipping your stencil brush into the paint be sure to only wetten the very tips of the brush bristles.

Begin painting your stencil designs onto your spirit board. If this is your first time stenciling for advice on brush techniques check out Marion Boddy-Evans' 3-step lesson: How to use a stencil brush.

Allow the paint to dry before using your new spirit board. If you want your board to last over time apply a coat or two of sealer to it. Both boards in this tutorial are fairly simple to create, but you can also create one free hand using paints or colorful markers if you have an artistic bent. Also if you want to create a frugal board on the quick, try using recycled cardboard rounds saved from frozen pizza packages.

Also, your board can be rectangle if you prefer. Before taking your spirit board out for its maiden voyage check out my Ouija Board Do's and Don'ts

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