Do You Believe In a Higher Power?
The other day an online acquaintance asked me this very question.
I answered in the negative and defended my assertion and stated; "To your last question, mostly I believe in myself, a self-actualized individual, I believe the mind is the highest power, and without that it wouldn't matter anyway.
And as per Biblical Writings (Philosophy to me) if a God built us in his image, then we should act accordingly, thus, we'd all be gods right? Hey, it's all fun stuff, and I understand why people believe, it is a little scary thinking of the alternative I guess, that's okay, and if you believe in a higher power, you are okay too, as am I.
" Someone once told me that since I didn't believe that I didn't have any moral foundation, I was taken aback, mostly because he really believed it.
Funny thing was, I had stronger morals than he had, which I noted simply by his actions.
Anyway, I think the higher power thing is over rated, I had a friend tell me I couldn't join his Masonic Lodge group if I didn't believe in a higher power, I asked him why, and he said it was a secret and I couldn't learn of it unless I joined and believed in a higher power.
Sounds a little like a control mechanism and they certainly wouldn't want a renegade who they couldn't control in the group, would any group of authority? I told my acquaintance that I already knew the secret that he didn't because he hadn't climbed up the order of Mason's high enough, the big secret is; There Is None.
This time he was taken aback.
That is my thinking on the 'higher power' thing, I hope that explains where I am coming from.
If you believe in an invisible friend, people think you are crazy, but if it helps you cope then maybe that's not so bad.
If people believe others of authority are of a superior power, then in essence they give their power to that higher authority.
I am not ready to give my power to an invisible friend one put into my imagination by another, why would I do that? I wouldn't nor should you.
But it is your life experience, your avatar and your reality - enjoy your choice and live a long and prosperous life as best you can with your new found handicap.
Please consider all this and think on it.