Help for the Visually Impaired: Large-Print Bibles
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<p style="margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt;">You can easily order or purchase these large print Bibles from many different book stores, Christian Centers, or online book sellers at reasonable prices.<span> </span>There are many different styles and designs to choose from and you can make your selection based on your own feeling about who you are buying it for and what they would like or prefer.<span> </span>They are all designed to be easy to read for those who have visual problems.<span> </span>They are very attractive and wonderful to display or keep at the side of the bed or favorite sitting chair.<span> </span>Your generosity and kindness will long be appreciated.<span> </span>Your visually impaired friend or family member will find many hours of comfort and enjoyable reading with this new Bible.
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<p style="margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt;">If you are looking to make a very nice donation to a rest home, nursing home, a medical care facility, or special needs home community you might want to consider a purchase of some large print Bibles for the residents of thee various communities. This is a wonderful donation to make and will please many of the people who live there, and stay there on a limited basis.<span> </span>Many of these folks need the enlarged print to be able to read a Bible.<span> </span>This would be the perfect opportunity to donate money or Bibles for these types of facilities.<span> </span>The residents would be very pleased with a thoughtful donation like this from anyone on the outside.<span> </span>No longer would they have to struggle to read and learn the lessons and values of the Good Book.