Mother's Day Writing Activities for Kindergarten Students
- Mother's Day is a celebration that dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, and was later revived by the British before becoming an American holiday. Kindergarten teachers can assist their students in creating a Mother's Day gift, and provide an opportunity for students to practice their writing skills simultaneously through the completion of a Mother's Day writing activity.
- Help kindergarten students express their understanding of the work their mothers do by creating a mother duty list. Engage your students in a discussion about their mothers, asking them to tell what their mother does during the course of a day to take care of the students and their families. Create a list of student responses on the chalkboard, or on a large sheet of paper. Help the students add creative choices to the list by recommending tasks like "Give me a hug" or "Read me a story." After creating an extensive list, ask students to recopy the list in their own handwriting, listing each task on a separate line. Attach a note to each list, explaining to the students' mothers that the list is in recognition of all the hard work they do. Ask students to present the list on Mother's Day.
- Students compose an acrostic poem to present to their mothers through the completion of this activity. To assist students in the process of composing an acrostic poem, list the word "Mother" down the side of a page, leaving a space after each letter where the student can write a word. Write each letter in the word mother across the chalkboard, and ask students to volunteer words related to mothers that begin with each letter. Create a list of student suggestions. After completing the list, ask students to select one word from each section on the board and write it next to the appropriate letter to compose their poem. Ask students to decorate their acrostic poems before presenting them on Mother's Day.
- Pair kindergarten students with older children to help compose thoughtful thank-you letters to their mothers. Tell the students that, for Mother's Day, they are going to give their mothers gratitude. Explain what it means to be thankful, and brainstorm a list of things their mothers have done for which they should be thankful. Keep your list on the board for students to reference as they compose their letters. Then ask a teacher from a higher grade to send her students to assist your children in the process. Pair each kindergartener with an older student, and ask the older student to write the letter that the kindergartener relays to her on a sheet of stationery. Once the letters have been composed, ask the kindergarten students to sign their names. Seal the letters in stationery envelopes, and send them home with the kindergarten students to present to their mothers.