Description of a Graphic Organizer
- Students use graphic organizers to structure writing assignments, to plan research and for brainstorming. Graphic organizers are also useful problem-solving and decision-making tools and are effective study aids.
- The types of graphic organizers are limited only by your imagination. One common type of graphic organizer is the KWL Chart, which students use to record details they know, want to know and learned about a topic. Another popular graphic organizer, the Venn Diagram, allows students to record similarities and differences about two or more subjects. Another graphic organizer, called a story map, organizes details of a story into a beginning, a middle and an end.
- Graphic organizers benefit students by promoting high-level thinking and language improvement. Applicable for students at all learning levels, graphic organizers serve to increase knowledge retention. Teachers can also use graphic organizers as an effective student-assessment measure.