How to Find The Right School for Your Child
Many parents feel stressed by just thinking about it.
We have a few tips for you that will hopefully reduce the stress associated with it.
Understand your family and child's needs Every parent will want their child to be enrolled in the best school.
First take into account your finances.
Do you prefer a high-end private school, a public or a government school? Do you prefer to enroll your child in a school that emphasizes on textbook learning or a mix of textbook learning and other curricular activities? Some schools take children on camps or field trips; some schools teach using audio-visual aids.
Some children may have special needs.
They may require more attention.
Not all schools are equipped to provide all those services.
See what suits your child the most and then take the final decision.
Explore the different methodologies Schools may adhere to different teaching methodologies.
Parents should research on the different methodologies used in the prospective school to get a fair idea of what is in store for the child.
Some schools may follow a conventional teaching methodology while others may adhere to an innovative teaching methodology.
A few schools may follow a balanced methodology.
Acquire as much information as possible Acquire as much information as possible about the institutes you are interested in.
See if the school matches up to the potential your child has.
Start with nearby schools in your area, and then collect information about other schools too that are not in your vicinity.
Ask your friends, neighbors or colleagues about schools.
They may have their children studying in some schools.
You can also talk to students of a school to get more insights.
Go through a school's website or brochure that details its mission, policies, rules, etc.
Ask relevant questions It is important to ask relevant questions to prospective institutes.
Ask the school what they expect from their students and how they are working toward achieving the goal.
You can ask a few questions like How do you track a teacher's performance, Are the teachers trained regularly, How is the homework load, How does the school handle children with behavioral problems, Does the school have mentors, Does the school have counselors etc.
Do not make assumptions Parents may get judgmental by listening to the views shared by a set of known people.
Word of mouth information may make you biased.
So use your head.