How to Cite the Same Director With Different Producers for Numerous Movies in APA Style
- 1). Type the name of the producer in the reference list located at the end of the paper. Place the last name first, followed by a comma and then the producer's initials. In parenthesis. place the word "Producer" then place a comma after the parenthesis. If the producer and director are the same, then place "Producer & Director" in the parenthesis.
- 2). Place an ampersand after the comma, then type the name of the director in the same last name first format with the word "Director" in parenthesis afterwards. End this portion of the citation with a period.
- 3). Type the date of the production's publication in parenthesis. After the parenthesis, place a period.
- 4). Type the title of the motion picture in italics followed by a period.
- 5). Type the name of the country the movie originated, followed by a colon. Then type the name of the studio or distributor. If the movie has limited availability, list the distributor name, address and zip code. Close the citation with a period. The citation will look like this: Grey, S. (Producer), & Dawn, L. (Director). (2011). Italics won't display here. United States: Fake studios. Available from No Real Distributor, 234 Down the Lane, Stateless, MS 98765.
- 6). Type the name of the producer, followed by a comma and then the year of publication in parenthesis in the body of the paper for in-text citations. End the citation with a period. The citation will look like this (Grey, 2011). Alternatively, the citation could be used as part of the sentence. For example: According to Grey, italics will not display properly on some websites.