Great Famous Quotes
•The only place where people go to get their selves offered with few wise words from those who take subway in a Rolls Royce is wall Street.
•Sometimes no body is able to help you even some old & wise people with their experiences, advices & with their experiments but its your own power who leads u to better decisions.
•A act is already resolved when people go to get a piece of advice from others as a pleasure.
•Advice is not always needed for prudent but its should be there for stupid always.
•It is not a wounder that dogs will be in heaven too.I believe that they will be there long before all of the mankind.
•Only dogs love us more than we love ourselves.
•It is essential for a human being to love an animal to awake his or her soul completely.
•If you realize that you can't own all the dogs you have ever wanted, it means that you have grown old.
•A good choice of wife makes you a lover a bad one makes you a philosopher.
•The first year of marriage is written in poetry and the rest of the story is in prose.
•It was on the 13th anniversary of my marriage that I realized that i couldn't correct my mistake.
•Do celebrate your anniversaries.Only then you can make your wife a fool for rest of the year.
•Once I met women in Mexico she was sad & wanted me to make her happy but I really think that I am unable to do that for anybody so I just took her hand in my hands & said thank you for giving the company in cinema.
•Hey you citizens of Massachusetts, I want to say thanks to u. You never took step back for paying taxation, doing great to rise opportunities in industry for new generation, putting efforts to raising the children with civilization. So, Government is mad for this nation. I'd say thanks again. I am in love with this work.
•In Israel everyone is against America. They don't like us. If I find a person one day who can say that we are good friends of America & we thank America!! I will differently respect him a lot.•If I listen a guy saying me that ** you are rather sexy** i would really like to run away from there. In the same way if someone says that you are most sexiest man in the world I wont pleased on that But if someone says thanks to me then i will proud on myself. By the way the world's most sexist guy is George Clooney.resources: famous quotes , famous