Common Names and Meanings in Igbuzo Land
Emeka and Ngozi could pass for the most popular names in Igbuzo. Chukwuemeka usually shortened to Emeka, and Ngozichukwuka are so common to the people of Igbuzo that two out of every ten Igbuzo people are expected to bear the names. Emeka means "God has done well" is borne by the males while Ngozi expresses that "The Blessing of God surpasses' and mostly borne by females, although we have noted situations that males also bear this name. Parents who consider their children blessings from God often name their children Ngozi. Nkenchor is a masculine name meaning "What I want". Nwakaego is a name that denotes "child is Supreme to Wealth" Closer names to this female name are Nwakusor (child is more interesting), Nwamaka (Child is too Good) Nwasiweweziem "Nwasiwe" for short meaning "Child has consoled me"
Nkedihuka means that what lies ahead is preferable to all that has happened in the past. It is actually a female name usually shortened to "Nkihu" or "Nkiru". It is quite a meaningful name. There are Nkadi and Nkemakonam. Nkadi (Let this stay alive for me) and Nkemakonam (May my own never scarce to me) Chiedu (God Leads) Onyekewezienwanne may pass for the longest name in Igbuzo and means that "No one should cause asunder " It is usually shortened to "Kewezie", "Ekewezi" or "Onyekewezie". Chukwuedo is another fine masculine name meaning "God plans" or "God lays foundation of all that happens". Ikechukwu (The Power of God) Onwuyalim (Death should Leave Me Alone) Okocha (Light-Complexioned Man), Okonji (Dark-Complexioned Man) Isioma (good Luck) Awele (Good Luck)
Other interesting names are Eziafakaego meaning "A Good Name is better than Silver and Gold" or A Good Name is Better than Money" Onyebuchi, Buchi for short means "who is one's God? It could also mean that no one determines the other's destiny. Ifechukwude (What God has Destined) Chukwudifu (Well, there's God) Ndubuisi (Life is the Ultimate) Ozulonye (The things of the world is not complete for anybody) Chukwudumebi is another name common among the people of Igbuzo and means "God is Living with me" Oguguamakwa (Consolation) Okonma (Handsome Man) Iwebunor (Animosity towards me is nothing) Ifeanyi means that "Nothing is Impossible to God" Kanayochukwu denotes "Let us Continue to Appeal to God" Usonwanneka (The Joy of brotherhood is supreme) Ezioyi (A Good Friend is Better than a Bad brother or Sister)
Adigwe (Togetherness) Ozoemezie (Let this not repeat) "Nwaoboshi" is a name christened a male child born on his parents' way to Oboshi, a stream in the town or a child simply dedicated to the Oboshi stream). Elofu (God Never Forgets any one he has created) Utomi "Togetherness amongst Relations Users In closeness) Obiajulu (My Mind has Become Calm) Umeadi is a female name meaning "I Have Gained Strength". Enwiwe means "God is Never Annoyed" Nosike (A Child should Stay or Remain with us) Eziunoamaka (A Good Home is too Good) Osochukwu (If it pleases God) Chukwubueze means "God is the ultimate) Onyelo (Who contemplated that it would be good). Adimabua (I have found my mate) Nwayobuije (Life is Gradual) Chukwulozie (May God Give it a thought) Tobechukwu (Praise God) Osinke (From now things have become good) Onochieobodo (Replacement) Ubaka (Wealth is more Important) Enwelim (Now I have my own) Kosisochukwu (As it Pleases God)
Chukwujindu means that "Life Belongs to God", Chukwumuanya means that "God is Awake" Nkeonyeasua (One's own always pleases) Anwuli (Joy) Chukwuma (God Knows) Nkechi (The One God has Given Me) Nkwuka (Gossip). Fumnanya (God Loves me) Ikedinma (Strength is Good) Nwaedozi (A Child Settles).This name is christened on a girl-child born shortly after quarreling parents have settled their differences. Ekenedilichukwu (Glory be to God) Onyeagbabu (Who Gains the things of the World with his physical Strength) Chukwudalu (Thank you, God) Ndidiamaka (Patience is too Good) Buenu (who Carries Life to the World beyond?) Nwannebuife (Brother or Sister is Valuable) Ifeyinwa (There is nothing as valuable as a children) Uchechukwu (The Will of God)
Parents who have experienced the death of one or more of their children often name any one of them "Onwujonjo" which means "Death is Bad". The name "Onyeachor" means "Who Wishes the Goodness of his Fellow Human Being" Isitua (May the Head Last Long). This name is similar to "Onyeachor". Osedunme means "God help me to do it". Olisedebe (God kept this one for me). Chukwudinma (God is Good) Uwabunkonye (Whose Own is this World?) Ekwutozie (Stop Spreading Gossip Over your Fellow Human Being) Ashinzemachukwu (Ashinze for short) "By the Grace of God"
We could now see that the names borne by the Igbuzo people are touchingly meaningful and are reminders of both past and future events. This is why it is said by the people of the community that "Afaonye Di Eche" One's name awaits him". Names are indeed important aspect of culture in Igbuzo land. Why not choose from the numerous names listed here and christen your child as a reminder of the Igbuzo people and their culture after all, it will recall your love for the town and its people.