Treat Yeast Infection Naturally and Effectively Right Now
Many of these women have yet to discover how to treat yeast infection naturally.
Here are some tips how to do that.
The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are soreness, swelling of the vulva, pain when urinating and when having sex and often women experience white discharge coming from the vagina.
Yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of a bacteria called candida albicans.
We all have natural bacteria in our body to protect it from invading bacteria but sometimes the bacteria overgrows and that is when we get yeast infection.
So how to treat yeast infection? While some people always do what the doctor tells them to do (more often than not medication is involved in "the doctor´s orders") others don´t like taking medication for everything.
And although sometimes it is important to take medication it is good to know that there is an alternative, a natural cure.
To treat yeast infection naturally there are plenty of tips and how to´s.
First of all lets mention tea tree oil.
It is antibacterial and is known for its healing powers.
Put a small drop on a q-tip and gently massage with the q-tip into the vagina.
Apple cider vinegar contains acid which is good for attacking the infection.
Try the same method as with the tea tree oil.
If you are experiencing a slight lighter case of yeast infection try placing a clove of garlic in the vagina.
It has some anti fungal properties which have proved to be very helpful.
Also try natural yogurt.
Yogurt has live acidophilus bacteria that is good with fighting the bad bacteria.
Simply dip a tampon in yogurt and place in the vagina.