How to Train Crying Puppies
- 1). Attend to the problem immediately, while showing understanding and compassion for the puppy. Dogs are social animals, and even though you may be the alpha, or lead "dog," your puppy now regards itself as a member of your pack and wants to hang out with you.
- 2). Determine the cause of the discontent. If the puppy is hungry, is thirsty, has to relieve itself or is in pain or lonely, respond to the problem with the appropriate action. If the puppy is crying in a demanding way, however, and all of these needs have been met, move on to step 3.
- 3). Reward only desirable behavior. When your puppy is whining, resist the urge to give it a treat to quiet it down. Say "no" or "enough" in a firm tone of voice. You may wish to place the puppy in another room, close the door and ignore it if it continues to whine. When it stops crying for even five or 10 seconds, enter the room and lavish it with praise or give it a treat. This lesson reinforces to the puppy that whining won't elicit a desirable reaction.
- 4). Prepare for the puppy's first night home by tiring him out with plenty of playtime. It will likely feel lonely and anxious since it has just been separated from its mother and littermates, says Cesar Milan, America's "Dog Whisperer." Locate its bed near yours at least for the first few nights to help calm it down. Place a toy or some other article with the scent of its previous home in its bed or crate for added comfort, as well as an item with your scent.
- 5). Give your puppy gentle but firm correction if it continues to whine during the night. Don't worry that you're being mean or that your puppy won't like you. Most female dogs are strict disciplinarians with their young ones, so the puppy is used to correction and should catch on quickly, says Milan. The key is consistency. Once you're certain it is safe, sound and well fed, do not pick up a whining puppy or let it sleep with you unless you intend to make it a permanent bed partner.
- 6). Enlist the help of an older, well-balanced dog in your family if it has displayed gentleness toward the puppy. Milan firmly believes the best teacher for a new puppy is a canine one.