How To Get Free Leads For Mlm?
Remember, not every comment you post will be allowed by all blog sites. Also, you will not get much attention for the comments you leave until you become popular on these sites. The best way to find blogs and forums that are most appropriate for your product(s) or service(s) is by pasting this into your browser:
"post a comment" -"comments closed" -"you must be logged in" "your product"
The dashes before the second and third terms makes Google disregard blogs where the comments are closed, or where there is a need for you to log on before leaving comments. Obviously, the term "your product" is the one you are promoting, or a term related to your product/service so that your comments will be seen as relevant and of generate interest.
Looking For Active Blogs & Forums?
Be aware of the dates on the posts in the blog. Dont waste your time posting comments on inactive blogs. As mentioned above, it would be helpful to keep all of the details of the blogs you are posting to in a Posts Tracker, which you can create in a spreadsheet or a word document.
If you already have the SEO Quake Toolbar or a similar tool on your computer, you can see the Page Rank of the blog you are looking at. Page Ranks go from zero to nine, and if you can comment on blogs with a page rank above 2 or 3, Google will reward you with a higher quality link in return.
The more participants in a blog, the greater the chance that someone will comment on your posting, in which case you should comment back. And when you leave a comment on a blog, make sure it has as much value as possible. By posting your comment, the Blog Master will be giving you valuable links, so it is important to leave something valuable in return.
The Blog Master will not accept any worthless comments and he will definitely remove them immediately from his site. So, it is best to post comments or articles that are relevant and worthwhile. If you cannot determine whether or not your comment is relevant, it is better to let somebody else comment first, and review the interaction further before posting in order to avoid wasting your time. Sometimes, although you post good and relevant comments, they will be removed without informing you. When this happens, you should ask the Blog Master what the policies are.
Do Follow Blogs
Many sites allow you to post a comment, but then do not allow you to leave links back to your own site. These blogs have a Do Not Follow tag associated with them. Dont waste your time on these sites; instead, move on to those blogs that allow backlinks to your website or affiliate offer; these blogs include the Do Follow tag.
Some blogs allow you to put two (2) links on a comment, where one of them is a direct backlink to your website. If you want to get leads, then you would be wise to funnel prospects that click on either of these links to a lead capture page, where you can request their email address and you can then add them to your growing list.
Bookmark all the blogs that you have visited and begin developing relationships with others who visit those blogs. Your goal is to promote yourself as someone who is well informed and can be trusted. Readers may not click your link or sign up today, but the more often you leave quality comments, the more likely they will be to trust and respect you over time, and ultimately click through and opt-in on your lead capture page.
And finallybe patient! And be persistent! It takes some time, but it wont take long for you to start seeing results. Free leads for MLM or any other business seem like the holy grail to most business people, but by using this simple strategy - of commenting on blogs on a regular basis - you will soon begin to see new, qualified leads flowing in every single day.
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