How Can I Save Money on a Child"s Christmas Gifts?
Most of us want to give our children a great Christmas and make sure that they get the gifts they want, and deserve.
As well as trying to find the best gift for a child, the question on most peoples lips this year is likely to be: "How can I save money on a child's Christmas gifts?" The simple rules to saving money on gifts.
There are some very simple rules to follow if you want to save money when trying to buy the most popular Christmas toys this year.
- Always check with the child's parents that the gift you are getting them is suitable.
This will also stop you from buying the same gift that their parents may have already got them. - Go to a toy store and check the quality of the toy you are thinking of buying for someone.
- Then go home, and check the price online compared to the price the store was offering at.
You may find that you can get a better deal online.
Short of Cash & Fed Up? Everyone is feeling the pinch this year, especially now that Christmas is upon us.
So if you are short of cash, and fed up with buying for everybody else's children, as well as your own there is a very simple solution to this.
Stop Doing It! I know this seems extreme but believe it or not, you are not the only one finding things difficult at this time of year.
To save yourself a whole lot of money all you have to do is, arrange to get together with some of the friends who have children that you buy presents for, and those that buy presents for your kids.
When you are all together just mention that you can only afford to buy presents for your immediate family this year, and therefore you will not be able to afford to buy their children gifts as well.
Then add that you will feel very embarrassed and guilty if they buy your children gifts this year, when you cannot afford to do the same.
Then suggest that for this year you all, just buy for your own children.
You may be surprised at how many of your real friends jump at this simple suggestion.
In my own family we have always followed a simple rule that nieces and nephews are only brought Christmas presents, by their uncles and aunties up until they reach the age of 13.
This saves us all money and because we have all agreed to it, no one ever needs to spend more money than they can afford.
Just remember that you are not the only one that is feeling the financial pinch this year, and by following the rules and tips shown here, not only will you save money, but you are probably helping your friends to save money this Christmas as well.
That is possibly the best free Christmas present you could give anyone.