Cowardice Act
Leaving the children behind and wife
To hide the face and not face the challenge
To deceive somebody and retract the steps or renege
These are called cowardice acts
Everybody may come forward and sharply react
You will find no place to hide
Its implications are more and wide
Life may be sharp but not edge of the knife
You got to act when situation is rife
Kill or get to be killed is suddenly forgotten,
Thousands of thoughts invade and come often,
Who stands alone amidst ruins,
Bury the dead for honor and not coins,
Worries for dead to offer descent burial
Not to offer any excuses or denial
Not all becomes commanders in field,
Sacrifice life but never submit or yield,
Stick to position and ground very well hold,
Recover more and bring glory to their fold,
With sudden burst of fire shells,
Coward sees it as raining hell,
Think not of holy land but ready to sell,
Let country suffer but I must do or fare well,
It is not confined to war zones alone,
Every field is engulfed and very prone,
the question is where to start and where to end?
All mixed signals received but where to bend?
Material gain can be even compensated,
Loss of lives can still be tolerated,
Food sometimes, we find, may be adulterated,
but how the cowardice can be equated?
Russians lost the war not because they were not brave,
fought valiantly but fallen with honor to graves
It were human waves after waves that stood ground,
New elements in history where honors was found,
To witness the injustice and not to act,
Tolerate the tyranny and not to react,
Shut the eyes to reality or fact,
It is cowardice act in matter of fact,
World cares for brave and pays the homage,
Cowards finds no favor and name only damage,
History remembers them for their brave acts,
Not a word to their dishonor as a matter of fact
Why country or nation has to face the shame?
Why to go after damage control blame game?
Why have we to go for remedial acts?
Only for their action country has to sign humiliating pacts
What can be done with land already parted?
How national pride is revived and started?
How can any nation stand with lost face?
Have we to try sincerely for steps to retrace?