Great Ways to Promote Your Poetry in Magazines
All that is within you is expressed in words, be it love, pain, sorrow, care, etc.
It is a great way to express oneself, if you have the talent to do so.
There is a great difference between writers and poets.
Poets are moody (a little more than writers) and they put feelings into words.
When people read poetry, there are many who identify themselves with them.
Many share the same thoughts and ideas.
Poetry is soothing to your spirit and makes you become very introspective, which is good.
Once in a while, we all need to think about other things in life, besides ourselves.
And one you have written these great poems, how about showing the world what a great poet you are? A simple way is to get your poems published in a magazine.
Magazines are widely spread all over the market.
People buy them because they are informative, cheap and easily accessible.
They are fun and exciting too.
The pictures and tidbits are simply amazing.
There are hundreds of magazines available in the market today, from Cookery to Health, Women fashion to sports.
A wide and excellent range of magazines is available.
Poetry has a potential to make its way into magazines.
If you are looking at literary magazines that are normally printed in universities, schools or colleges, then you could send your poetry to them and ask them to print it for you.
It is even better if the subject of the magazine is in line with your poetry, but you can use it as an insert as well.
This would work as well, because after reading something that is educational or serious, one gets to read this little script of a poem.
And it could make you feel light, and see the world in different colors.
Life has different sides to it, and we must have an open mind.
A poet can help us understand the seriousness of life in a simple way.
You also have some commercial books that include magazines like Readers Digest, where you can send your poems.
Sometimes you even get paid, if you agree to write for them regularly.
These books have a mix of all kinds of articles.
Poems are like a breath of fresh air.
Never ever agree to people or any publisher who asks you to pay for your poetry to be published, they are definitely bogus.
Your poetry is of value.
And you know that you have delivered well.
So, don't compromise.
Be bold and push for your poetry to be published as a work of talent, where you should get paid.
If your poetry is, for example, on women or on love, then you could insert them in a woman's magazine or a general type of magazine.
Poetry speaks to a wide section of people, and it is not only for the elderly or literary experts.
There is a lot of poetry that is easy for us to understand and feel.
Imagine how much more meaningful a magazine would be and how much more enjoyable it would be to read, when poetries are published in it.