A Depiction of Reality - A Learning Person"s Perspective
The relationships that raise us the highest are not the ones we look for, but the ones we already have with each other.
I started off the year with an article that was all about the little things in life that sort of just add up and cause you to realize something, the little "checkpoints".
Well after letting the year go by and reading that again, I realized something.
By the time you realize the little things, it's usually too late.
And that flat out sucks, no lies.
So rather than doing that for a second time, I'm going to try something a bit different.
Let's see how this goes then...
First I want to throw these two quotes in which I came across on a TV show.
(Numbers oddly enough, but that's not important).
These two quotes hold so much meaning, and really set the precedent for what I want to lead into.
The first one is "When you care about someone too much, it can blind your good choices" and the second is "when you wrestle with choices, it is a sign good judgment is returning".
Think about those two for a moment, and then continue on reading.
So rather than thinking that caring deeply about a person is bad, because that's not what the quote means, consider this: At times when all you can think about is THAT person, whose best interest are you acting out of, yours, theirs, nobodies? Hopefully you want to do what's in their best interest, and what solidifies you two together.
Don't over analyze, I know I've been known to...
And then there's the second quote.
This one is very true as well.
Maybe you seem like your on a roll, life is going well, and you're breezing past others in the direction you want to be headed.
When suddenly there is a block.
You now have to make a decision, and it's not easy.
This is a good sign, it's also a sign that the last few choices you made might not have been the best.
Everyone has feelings.
That sounds very elementary, but it's going to be a building block for social interaction the rest of our life on this planet.
Right now were either caught up in the past, ignorant to the present, or worried about the future.
None of those scenarios sound very good, but they are what they are for all of us.
Maybe we are still holding something against someone for something that happened months ago, maybe we are too self-focused that we're letting life's value pass us by, or maybe we're neglecting the relationships we have by being overly concerned with where we'll be down the road.
Sometimes I wish there was a way to communicate feelings to others automatically.
After having things misinterpreted, rejected, and wrongfully accepted, it's something one might logically wish for.
Thinking about that though, I came to a realization, that would only remove human interaction.
Human interaction is where good things and bad things alike are rooted.
So, collect and prioritize your thoughts and expel them to those around you on a regular basis.
Communication isn't a key, it's a battering ram through a brick wall in a relationship.
It's not a matter of this "finding yourself" thing that we as teens here so much of.
I mean, do you honestly think that if you spend your time trying to figure out who you are, one day you're magically going to wake up and see a new you? It's not about that, it's about acting like yourself right now.
Bringing yourself to be closer to your friends, families, and whoever else you have hanging around, will be what finds yourself within you.
If there is something more important than anything else, it would be this: Never hold back from sharing how you feel with someone important.
The person whom you want to convey your feelings to can't read your mind.
If you talk to them though, you can be almost certain that not only were you properly perceived and understood correctly, but you have probably just made a lasting impression on them and on your relationship with them, wherever it is to go.
Only you know how much your friends matter to you, and only you are in control of how healthy you want your friendships to be.
Friends are there to support you through everything, but they are also equally wanting your support when they need it as well.
Don't lose sight of the big picture; "we're friends and always will be as long as we're both contributing to the relationship".
You control what takes affect in your friendship with another person, if you believe things that happen between you and that person are anyone else's fault other than your own, you need to re-think the situation.
I only just really accepted that.
To leave you in a good place of mind, I want to conclude with what I have found most helpful myself in these past few months.
Never lose sight of your dreams, without them your only winging it.
You don't need to over think and over plan or contemplate your every action, but knowing where you want to be or what you want to happen in your life can mean the difference between feeling lost and feeling like you are on your way to feeling like things are finally going well for you.
It's the little things that brighten up people's day, if you try to hard to impress someone you'll only lose the time you could have spent making them happy, rather than planning on how to do it.
And if nothing else, I hope this post has helped you to realize what parts you agree and disagree with.
That's what the comments are for.
I started off the year with an article that was all about the little things in life that sort of just add up and cause you to realize something, the little "checkpoints".
Well after letting the year go by and reading that again, I realized something.
By the time you realize the little things, it's usually too late.
And that flat out sucks, no lies.
So rather than doing that for a second time, I'm going to try something a bit different.
Let's see how this goes then...
First I want to throw these two quotes in which I came across on a TV show.
(Numbers oddly enough, but that's not important).
These two quotes hold so much meaning, and really set the precedent for what I want to lead into.
The first one is "When you care about someone too much, it can blind your good choices" and the second is "when you wrestle with choices, it is a sign good judgment is returning".
Think about those two for a moment, and then continue on reading.
So rather than thinking that caring deeply about a person is bad, because that's not what the quote means, consider this: At times when all you can think about is THAT person, whose best interest are you acting out of, yours, theirs, nobodies? Hopefully you want to do what's in their best interest, and what solidifies you two together.
Don't over analyze, I know I've been known to...
And then there's the second quote.
This one is very true as well.
Maybe you seem like your on a roll, life is going well, and you're breezing past others in the direction you want to be headed.
When suddenly there is a block.
You now have to make a decision, and it's not easy.
This is a good sign, it's also a sign that the last few choices you made might not have been the best.
Everyone has feelings.
That sounds very elementary, but it's going to be a building block for social interaction the rest of our life on this planet.
Right now were either caught up in the past, ignorant to the present, or worried about the future.
None of those scenarios sound very good, but they are what they are for all of us.
Maybe we are still holding something against someone for something that happened months ago, maybe we are too self-focused that we're letting life's value pass us by, or maybe we're neglecting the relationships we have by being overly concerned with where we'll be down the road.
Sometimes I wish there was a way to communicate feelings to others automatically.
After having things misinterpreted, rejected, and wrongfully accepted, it's something one might logically wish for.
Thinking about that though, I came to a realization, that would only remove human interaction.
Human interaction is where good things and bad things alike are rooted.
So, collect and prioritize your thoughts and expel them to those around you on a regular basis.
Communication isn't a key, it's a battering ram through a brick wall in a relationship.
It's not a matter of this "finding yourself" thing that we as teens here so much of.
I mean, do you honestly think that if you spend your time trying to figure out who you are, one day you're magically going to wake up and see a new you? It's not about that, it's about acting like yourself right now.
Bringing yourself to be closer to your friends, families, and whoever else you have hanging around, will be what finds yourself within you.
If there is something more important than anything else, it would be this: Never hold back from sharing how you feel with someone important.
The person whom you want to convey your feelings to can't read your mind.
If you talk to them though, you can be almost certain that not only were you properly perceived and understood correctly, but you have probably just made a lasting impression on them and on your relationship with them, wherever it is to go.
Only you know how much your friends matter to you, and only you are in control of how healthy you want your friendships to be.
Friends are there to support you through everything, but they are also equally wanting your support when they need it as well.
Don't lose sight of the big picture; "we're friends and always will be as long as we're both contributing to the relationship".
You control what takes affect in your friendship with another person, if you believe things that happen between you and that person are anyone else's fault other than your own, you need to re-think the situation.
I only just really accepted that.
To leave you in a good place of mind, I want to conclude with what I have found most helpful myself in these past few months.
Never lose sight of your dreams, without them your only winging it.
You don't need to over think and over plan or contemplate your every action, but knowing where you want to be or what you want to happen in your life can mean the difference between feeling lost and feeling like you are on your way to feeling like things are finally going well for you.
It's the little things that brighten up people's day, if you try to hard to impress someone you'll only lose the time you could have spent making them happy, rather than planning on how to do it.
And if nothing else, I hope this post has helped you to realize what parts you agree and disagree with.
That's what the comments are for.