Dressed Like That
The following conversation can be heard in many homes - "No, you are not going out dressed like that.
" - as a father speaks to his daughter.
"Why?" "Because it's wrong.
" "Why is it wrong?" "Because it's not right.
" "Oh, you are so old fashioned.
It's just your opinion - that it's not right - that it's wrong.
" Stop for a moment and consider carefully where clothing came from.
When God first created man and woman - Adam and Eve - not Adam and Steve - there was a perfection and purity which gradually deteriorated.
Man disobeyed God.
Man rebelled against what God had said.
Man sinned and fell.
Both Adam and Eve realised what had happened and that they were naked.
They sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
That could not have been easy.
Interestingly, they made aprons - not hats or gloves or socks - but aprons.
They and God knew where the trouble lay! God met Adam and Eve and they hid - similar to a dog hiding under a table or chair when it knows it has done wrong.
A profound conversation ensues and painful burdensome consequences follow.
God provides garments for Adam and his wife.
God clothes them.
Very few people are aware of where clothes first came from.
Sin distorted nakedness and our Creator God clothed these first two people.
We do not wear clothes just because it is cold.
There is a spiritual and moral reason for dressing modestly.
God sets the pattern, the standard, the rules, and when a father can explain that from the authoritative Word of God, he has sound foundation for the decision.
God is the creator.
He sets the rules and standards.
When we rebel against God's principles the situation becomes increasingly serious, and today we are reaping that harvest and it is exceedingly costly in more ways than one.
Sandy Shaw
" - as a father speaks to his daughter.
"Why?" "Because it's wrong.
" "Why is it wrong?" "Because it's not right.
" "Oh, you are so old fashioned.
It's just your opinion - that it's not right - that it's wrong.
" Stop for a moment and consider carefully where clothing came from.
When God first created man and woman - Adam and Eve - not Adam and Steve - there was a perfection and purity which gradually deteriorated.
Man disobeyed God.
Man rebelled against what God had said.
Man sinned and fell.
Both Adam and Eve realised what had happened and that they were naked.
They sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
That could not have been easy.
Interestingly, they made aprons - not hats or gloves or socks - but aprons.
They and God knew where the trouble lay! God met Adam and Eve and they hid - similar to a dog hiding under a table or chair when it knows it has done wrong.
A profound conversation ensues and painful burdensome consequences follow.
God provides garments for Adam and his wife.
God clothes them.
Very few people are aware of where clothes first came from.
Sin distorted nakedness and our Creator God clothed these first two people.
We do not wear clothes just because it is cold.
There is a spiritual and moral reason for dressing modestly.
God sets the pattern, the standard, the rules, and when a father can explain that from the authoritative Word of God, he has sound foundation for the decision.
God is the creator.
He sets the rules and standards.
When we rebel against God's principles the situation becomes increasingly serious, and today we are reaping that harvest and it is exceedingly costly in more ways than one.
Sandy Shaw