How to Design a Challenge Coin
- 1). Scan or transfer your unit's insignia to a jpeg format suitable to use as an email attachment.
- 2). Choose the size challenge coin you wish to produce. Challenge coins vary from the size of a quarter to the size of a silver dollar or larger. Larger coins will cost more.
- 3). Designate a design for the coin's reverse (back) side if you wish to make a two-sided coin. Reverse designs are often either the branch or base logo, but sometimes the logo of a specific operation is used. Again, a two-sided challenge coin will cost more than a single-sided coin, but two-sided coins are more common.
- 4). Choose whether you prefer a simple engraved (design cut into metal), embossed (design raised on metal) coin and if you wish colors to be enameled onto the coin.
- 5). Contact a coin and medallion manufacturer with your design and design choices. The manufacturer will need to know the number of coins you wish to make (larger quantities enjoy a price break) and if you wish to add things to your coin such as key chains or enclosed knife blades.