Small Gifts That Let a Man Know You Want Him
- Stop waiting for him to notice you. Step up to the plate if you're interested.Casual Male Fashion Model 4 image by Ken Hurst from
If you're the type of person who is shy and can't come right out and tell a guy you're interested, you're in luck. You no longer need to have a crush on him from afar. Simply adorn him with small gifts that let him know that, yes, you are available and that, yes, you would like him to be the one to change that status. The days of batting your eyelashes and waiting for him to ask you out are long gone. Step up to the plate and create your own happy ending. - A long, long time ago in a land far, far away, women did not give flowers to a men. Times have changed. To show a guy you're interested in being more than just friends, try gifting him with a single red rose. The message should be loud and clear. However, if he is totally oblivious to the sign you're trying to get across, attach a short, simple note stating your intentions--something like, "Let's take this to the next level," or "I'll let you make the second move."
- Poems are a fantastic way to get a message across to someone you're interested in. They come from the heart and express your feelings in a way he probably hasn't heard before. If you're feeling extra bold, pull him aside and read the poem to him face-to-face. If you're downright daring, memorize the poem and recite it to him while gazing into his eyes. There will be no mistaking intentions with this gift. If you're lyrically challenged--not a problem. Go online or to a bookstore and pick out a poem that you think fits best in your situation. Print it out on decorative stationary and present him with it. You've made your intentions known. It's now his move.
- You know his favorite artist or his favorite genre of music, so head out to the music store and purchase a couple of right on CDs or live, in-concert DVD. It shows that you went out of your way to do something for him. Attach a short note saying something along the lines of "I thought of you when I saw this in the music store." Another option is to call into his favorite radio station and dedicate a song to him. Maybe it's that song that played when you both went out to lunch one day, or a song he always talks about around the office. When you do, make sure he's tuned in.