How to Make a Bootie Bag
- 1). Lay jeans flat on a work surface. Cut off the legs at the top of the thigh using scissors and put aside for later. Cut out the entire crotch that is still attached at both the front and back of the jean. You will now have a jagged edge or uneven line on the front and back sides. Now, cut the jeans across again for a straight edge all the way across.
- 2). Turn the cut jeans inside out. Use sewing tape and iron the bottom sides closed. Measure the length of the edge using your sewing tape and cut. Place the sewing tape inside the edge of the open seam at the bottom of the jeans. Use an iron and iron the seam in place with equal pressure all the way across. Alternatively, for a more durable bag sew the bottom sides together using a sewing machine. Straight pin the bottom sides together in parallel line across the jean. Place the bottom edge under the sewing machine needle above the pins. Sew a straight edge all the way across the bottom of the bag about five centimeters above the edge using your sewing machine.
- 3). Turn the bag right side out. Check out the seem by gently pulling on it to ensure the sewing tape is secure. If the seem pulls apart, turn it inside out again and apply extra heat using the iron. Also, check to ensure the seam is even all the way across.
- 4). Lace 1 to 2 yards of thick satin ribbon through the belt loops and tie for handles as an alternative to denim handles. Mix and match the colors or swap them out to match various outfits. Alternatively, you can fashion two handles by cutting the inside seams from both of the denim jean pant legs. With one handle, place a piece of seamless tape on the inside, top left of the bag and iron handle to bag. Then repeat with the opposite. Repeat this step again with second handle. You can sew the handles on using a sewing machine in the same exact manner.