3 Ways to Stop Premature Ejaculation Tonight
You attempt to stop or do anything you can to slow down but it's too late and all of a sudden it's all over.
Your partner may look at you with that unsatisfied feeling and you may feel like a failure in the bedroom.
This type of scenario was a normal occurrence for me as I went from day today with a premature ejaculation problem.
What I want to set out below are some of the ways in which I managed to change things for myself and finally stop premature ejaculation.
1)What is sex really all about? Your attitude towards sex will have a Hugh bearing on how long you can last in bed, and changing your attitude towards it can really improve your times.
In order to last longer in bed you will need to start to look at sex as a means to get closer and share affection with your partner, rather than a performance issue.
When you are more focused on enjoying the experience rather than trying to hit a certain time or give her an orgasm, you will find yourself lasting longer.
2)Switching your focus If you're a premature ejaculator, the chances are that when you start to make love, that you focus on not ejaculating as much as you can.
The trouble with this is that we tend to bring about what we focus on.
In order to help yourself with this problem it's important to switch your attention to something else like being with your partner and giving her pleasure.
By this simple act of taking the focus off your own fears you will be able to last for longer.
3)Get control of yourself If you're going to last longer during sex, you're going to have to get control over your own sexual energy before you start the main event of sex.
You will need to spend time by yourself bringing up within yourself the urge to climax and letting it go down again.
The more you do this the more you will be in control and able to stop premature ejaculation when you start to have sex.