Pre-K Pig Crafts
- Pre-k children can delight in gluing and painting without lines in this project. Cut out four pig legs, two triangles for the ears and a circle for the nose from pink construction paper. Have the children paint two thick paper plates pink -- one dessert sized and one regular sized. When the plates are dry, help the children glue the plates together with the smaller plate in front as the head. Glue on the nose, ears and legs and draw eyes. Tape a piece of ribbon or pipe cleaner on the back of the plate for the tail.
- This easy pig craft creates a finger puppet with the child's index finger serving as the pig's nose. Children can use this craft to act out their favorite pig story. Cut out a 2-inch diameter circle with pointy ears on top from white construction paper. Cut an index-finger-sized hole in the middle for the nose. Have the children color the whole pig's head pink. Add wiggle eyes or draw eyes and a mouth. Put the index finger through the hole and draw two black dots on the tip of the finger for the nostrils.
- With the help of an adult for the scissor work, a young child can make a sock pig using an old pair of socks. Stuff a ball, such as an old baseball or foam ball, into the end of a sock. Put a rubber band where the ball ends and cut the excess sock. Put the sock with the ball just inside the opening of another sock, preferably pink with lace frilly trim. The second sock should cover most of the sock-covered ball. Leave one-fourth of the sock-covered ball exposed to form a circle with the lace trim that will serve as the pig's nose. Place a rubber band around the excess of the second sock and trim into a tail. Glue two small pink buttons on the first sock with fabric glue for the nose and two wiggly eyes on top of the second sock for the eyes. Cut out two ears from pink foam paper and glue on with fabric glue.
- This pig takes minutes to create and children can have fun getting the pig all dirty. Blow up a small pink balloon half full. Have the children glue on wiggle eyes to the front and draw a nose, mouth and ears. Curl a pink ribbon for the child to tie onto the balloon end as the tail. Put shaving cream on a paper plate with a few drops of brown food coloring. Let the children mix the shaving cream with a finger until it is all brown. Children can roll the pig around in the mud while an adult explains how pigs use mud to cool down and protect their skin from sunburn and insects.