For Men ONLY - 5 Sure Fire Ways to Satisfy a Woman
This all but guarantees you'll end up constantly trying to save your relationship.
No fun, eh? The single most powerful thing successful guys do to stay out of marriage conflict is to keep it light.
Stay cool and calm and you'll win every time.
Couples Tip Don't be too hard on yourself if you lose your cool.
Plan to exercise vigorously once a day - even for as little as 15 minutes - doing this can solve "other" male problems too...
#2) Listen This may sound cliche, but mastering the art of listening is a female aphrodisiac and a sure fire, "never miss" way to satisfy a woman.
What you do in the bedroom pales in comparison to what you do before you get there.
The art of listing is an essential skill the true masters teach to make a woman orgasm.
Couples Tip Once you've practiced listening to her outside of the bedroom, you can use this skill to learn how to pleasure her beneath the sheets.
I read all the books, went to all the seminars, and tried everything, and it wasn't until I did THIS ONE THING that it all started to happen for me..
and it will for you too! #3) Be Confident This is the #1 thing you must do if you want to keep your woman attracted to you.
You can't "fake" it, it's gotta be the real deal.
A lack of self confidence is one of the biggest male problems and is the top reason women find themselves leaving...
for another man.
So MAN UP...
it's easier than you think! Couples Tip True intimacy in marriage comes from communication.
Deep down women want to love the men they are with.
(And I mean YOU!) Your truest strength comes from allowing yourself to be vulnerable.
This can be a relationship saving move, so don't delay...
#4) Read Her Non-Verbal Cues Once you unlock the secret to reading the many non-verbal cues a woman gives off, you'll possess the holy grail of how to pleasure a woman.
No matter how much a husband loves his wife, if he's clueless, he'll experience marriage conflict.
If you don't know know how, ask somebody who does...
OK? Couples Tip A woman loves to feel secure in her relationships, and her relationship with you is the most important one she's got.
Letting her know you're doing your best to learn how to bring intimacy to your marriage will go a long way in determining how to bring her pleasure...
over and over again.
#5) Build Sexual Tension Women love to be teased, gently.
They don't like to be bowled over aggressively.
The last thing I'll share with you about how to satisfy a woman is that there are many, many steps that lead up to a true female orgasm.
Women's libidos aren't like men's.
They don't turn on and off like a light switch.
To truly pleasure the woman you are married to, first learn how to pleasure her outside of the bedroom, and then watch the sparks fly once you get in there...
Couples Tip If you stay married, chances are you're gonna spend over 1/3 of your time with her.
Why not make it PLEASURABLE? I have lot's more goodies to share with you - to download my FREE report entitled "The 10 Deadly (And Easily Avoidable) Mistakes That Kill Attraction And Turn Relationships Into Splitting Headaches Plus My #1, "Works Every Time" Technique For Turning Her On...
" visit http://www.