What Are the Treatments for an Inflamed Colon?
- Most treatments for colitis work to reduce inflammation. In some cases, these therapies also help push colitis into remission.
- Doctors have many different types of drugs available to treat the symptoms of colitis. Some are more effective for people than others, while some drugs have severe side effects. Your doctor will help you decide which drug works best for you.
- Your doctor will likely try an anti-inflammtory drug with you first such as Azulfidine or Asacol. If these drugs do not work, your doctor may try a immune system suppressor. Antibiotics and pain relievers may also be administered to relieve the symptoms of colitis.
- In severe situations, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove part of your colon. While this will rid you of colitis, you will have issues with passing more bowel movements than normal.
- While it is possible to be pregnant with colitis, it is important to find a way to keep the disease in remission without using drugs that are harmful to your unborn child.