Breast Cancer Incidence and Social/Ethnic Background
Breast Cancer Incidence and Social/Ethnic Background
In conclusion, our finding of convergence of breast cancer incidence towards the Swedish level among immigrants' daughters plus effect-modification by age at immigration and duration of residence among immigrants indicates the importance of pre-migration factors, and highlights the importance of early-life exposures. Disparities found in cases of fatality among immigrants when stratifying results by age and duration of residence, age at immigration and country of birth emphasize the importance of designing and implementing active interventions in order to reduce incidence and, particularly, fatality in susceptible sub-groups of the female population. In addition, the lower risk of breast cancer among immigrant women outlines the importance of understanding how lifestyle factors in these women differ from those with high risk, so that preventative measures may be implemented.
In conclusion, our finding of convergence of breast cancer incidence towards the Swedish level among immigrants' daughters plus effect-modification by age at immigration and duration of residence among immigrants indicates the importance of pre-migration factors, and highlights the importance of early-life exposures. Disparities found in cases of fatality among immigrants when stratifying results by age and duration of residence, age at immigration and country of birth emphasize the importance of designing and implementing active interventions in order to reduce incidence and, particularly, fatality in susceptible sub-groups of the female population. In addition, the lower risk of breast cancer among immigrant women outlines the importance of understanding how lifestyle factors in these women differ from those with high risk, so that preventative measures may be implemented.