How to Get Dogs to Quit Eating Garbage
- 1). Spray the garbage with a commercial dog repellent, such as Grannick's Bitter Apple spray. Dogs dislike the taste of the spray, and may decide to stay away from the trash. Apply the spray daily for the best result.
- 2). Deny your dog access to the room with the garbage can. Place your dog in a dog crate when you leave the house, so it can't raid the garbage. As an alternative, lock the door to the room with the garbage can, or place a baby gate in front of the entrance to the room to block the dog's access.
- 3). Make the garbage inaccessible to your dog. Use garbage cans with tight fitting lids or secure the lids to the cans with a chain. As an alternative, place the garbage in a cabinet under the sink and install a child-safety latch on the cabinet, so the dog can't open it.
- 4). Feed your dog several times a day to keep it from getting hungry, because this may tempt it to roam through the garbage, looking for food. Consult your veterinarian about good-quality, high-fiber, low-caloric dog food brands you can use.
- 5). Provide your dog with plenty of entertainment and attention, because it may raid the garbage to get your attention or because it's bored. Give your dog toys to play with, take it on walks and interact with it.
- 6). Catch your dog while it's eating the garbage. Make a loud noise to startle it; clap your hands or shake a soda can with pennies. Tell your dog "No" or "Back off." Take it by the collar and bring it out of the room, and keep it out of the room. Be firm and show your dog who's boss. Use the same command each time so your dog grows accustomed to it, and starts understanding its meaning.
- 7). Use a commercial booby trap to deter your dog from the garbage. Booby traps can be mousetrap-like contraptions that are place in the garbage can. When triggered, the trap snaps and scares off your dog. Motion-activated traps that release a gush of air when sensing your dog's presence can also scare it away from the garbage.