Great Tips For Baby Skin Care
A newborn baby skin is soft and delicate, so you must handle the baby with care.
Generally, there is a popular belief that even babies need a bath every day.
Not so is the case.
With all the diaper changes and wiping of mouth and nose feedings, most babies need to be bathed every alternate day.
But even with this you need to maintain hygiene, especially take care of their bottom.
The nappy is an absolute essential item of baby equipment.
But the nappy can also lead to nappy rash.
Since the nappy is always in contact with the very soft skin, it creates a warm and moist environment, which promotes growth of bacteria.
Compounded with this is the constant friction causing chafing.
This results in an uncomfortable and painful problem for the baby.
Baby skin is very tender and needs a lot of care.
The outer layer is not completely developed with its elastic fibres.
So that fragile skin is susceptible to damage and is very sensitive to touch.
Also baby skin is quite a thin layer.
It can absorb anything that is applied on its surface.
So you must be careful that his skin is free of any harmful or strong lotions.
A baby cream application, especially in winter, will be absorbed easily and keep the skin supple and elastic.
Since the production of melanin is low in babies, exposure to the sun should be avoided, except probably a few minutes to absorb vitamin D from the rays of the sun.
Too much exposure to the sun will easily burn the skin and lead to chafing.
Babies need special care of their skin with frequent change of nappies, continuous wiping and cleaning of the nappy area, and around the mouth and nose.
If these are not handled carefully chances of infection and skin damage are high.
Avoid using irritants like harsh soaps and detergents.
Always use a mild, gentle soap and shampoo for the baby during bath time.
Baby creams and lotions are available, and are safe to use.
When your baby passes stools, be sure that you clean the area well with warm water and gentle cleaning product.
Then pat the area dry with a very soft cloth, and dust baby power on that area.
This helps to reduce friction between the skin and the clothing, and guards against penetration of irritating or foreign substances through the skin.
Keep the skin of your baby dry, not moist.
Apply talcum powder whenever you feel the skin is moist, especially around the nappy area.
You can avoid excessive moisture less from the skin by using baby cream and lotion.
Dress the infant in loose fitting clothes.
On warm nights cover the baby with a thin sheet instead of using a flannel or think blanket.
See that the nappies and clothes that he or she wears are made of fine cotton that is soft to the touch.
Loose clothes allow air circulation, and keep the baby dry and comfortable, away from the clammy heat of summer.
Once the baby grows older, it is easier to manage the care of his or her skin.
He or she still needs creams in winter, but his resilience is stronger than other babies.
A lot depends on the diet that is followed.
Too many sweet and fatty foods will only lead to indigestion and freckles.
If your child is fond of sweets, give him or his ones made at home.
You can substitute honey for sugar, for not only is honey nutritious, it is good for the skin.
Generally, there is a popular belief that even babies need a bath every day.
Not so is the case.
With all the diaper changes and wiping of mouth and nose feedings, most babies need to be bathed every alternate day.
But even with this you need to maintain hygiene, especially take care of their bottom.
The nappy is an absolute essential item of baby equipment.
But the nappy can also lead to nappy rash.
Since the nappy is always in contact with the very soft skin, it creates a warm and moist environment, which promotes growth of bacteria.
Compounded with this is the constant friction causing chafing.
This results in an uncomfortable and painful problem for the baby.
Baby skin is very tender and needs a lot of care.
The outer layer is not completely developed with its elastic fibres.
So that fragile skin is susceptible to damage and is very sensitive to touch.
Also baby skin is quite a thin layer.
It can absorb anything that is applied on its surface.
So you must be careful that his skin is free of any harmful or strong lotions.
A baby cream application, especially in winter, will be absorbed easily and keep the skin supple and elastic.
Since the production of melanin is low in babies, exposure to the sun should be avoided, except probably a few minutes to absorb vitamin D from the rays of the sun.
Too much exposure to the sun will easily burn the skin and lead to chafing.
Babies need special care of their skin with frequent change of nappies, continuous wiping and cleaning of the nappy area, and around the mouth and nose.
If these are not handled carefully chances of infection and skin damage are high.
Avoid using irritants like harsh soaps and detergents.
Always use a mild, gentle soap and shampoo for the baby during bath time.
Baby creams and lotions are available, and are safe to use.
When your baby passes stools, be sure that you clean the area well with warm water and gentle cleaning product.
Then pat the area dry with a very soft cloth, and dust baby power on that area.
This helps to reduce friction between the skin and the clothing, and guards against penetration of irritating or foreign substances through the skin.
Keep the skin of your baby dry, not moist.
Apply talcum powder whenever you feel the skin is moist, especially around the nappy area.
You can avoid excessive moisture less from the skin by using baby cream and lotion.
Dress the infant in loose fitting clothes.
On warm nights cover the baby with a thin sheet instead of using a flannel or think blanket.
See that the nappies and clothes that he or she wears are made of fine cotton that is soft to the touch.
Loose clothes allow air circulation, and keep the baby dry and comfortable, away from the clammy heat of summer.
Once the baby grows older, it is easier to manage the care of his or her skin.
He or she still needs creams in winter, but his resilience is stronger than other babies.
A lot depends on the diet that is followed.
Too many sweet and fatty foods will only lead to indigestion and freckles.
If your child is fond of sweets, give him or his ones made at home.
You can substitute honey for sugar, for not only is honey nutritious, it is good for the skin.