Freshen Bad Breath - Face to Face With a Fix for Bad Breath
When you are face to face with a person who has bad breath, it is readily apparent that there is a problem. Some bad breath is so bad it almost makes you want to throw up.
And you try not to insult the bad breath person by contorting your face into that of disgust. Atrocious, foul smelling breath is a complete turnoff.
This is a hard situation to overcome. Because in most cases, it is a coworker, relative or friend that has the problem.
Most people want to remove themselves from this offensive situation as soon as possible. The stench originating in the persons mouth evokes an automatic response. You immediately want to get away from the repellent smell.
Alleviating the Problem
If you have a mint or piece of gum, it is a casual way to solve the problem. You may want to tell the person in a nice way that they may want to consult a dentist or doctor to find out the root cause of the bad breath problem. Or bring up the subject of halitosis and indicate its gravity and then bring up the mint or gum.
This will freshen bad breath temporarily
Most people will understand they have halitosis and need some professional help. It is very difficult thing to do, but it has to be done and some people will require a point-blank message that they have halitosis and need to do something about it for their own good.
Communicate With Others
The halitosis problem cannot be ignored. You will actually help the person with the problem by discussing it with them. The person may have a medical malady and may have to see a dentist of a doctor to find out that the root cause of the halitosis is. It may be a serious problem that could lead to heart disease or cancer. You will be saving that person's life by dealing with their halitosis.
Most people with halitosis are totally ignorant of their halitosis problem.
Personal Obligation
Bad breath has solutions. Halitosis can be eliminated. It is just plain courtesy to ensure that other people do not have to put up with an individual's deficiency in personal care or just outright laziness. People with halitosis can help solve their halitosis problem by using excellent oral hygiene that will ensure that halitosis does not become a hazard. Sometimes it is hard to tell people they have a bad breath problem, but they need to be cognizant of how they are adversely affecting people they come in contact with.
To freshen bad breath or not? That is the question. It is noble to answer with a resounding -Yes.
And you try not to insult the bad breath person by contorting your face into that of disgust. Atrocious, foul smelling breath is a complete turnoff.
This is a hard situation to overcome. Because in most cases, it is a coworker, relative or friend that has the problem.
Most people want to remove themselves from this offensive situation as soon as possible. The stench originating in the persons mouth evokes an automatic response. You immediately want to get away from the repellent smell.
Alleviating the Problem
If you have a mint or piece of gum, it is a casual way to solve the problem. You may want to tell the person in a nice way that they may want to consult a dentist or doctor to find out the root cause of the bad breath problem. Or bring up the subject of halitosis and indicate its gravity and then bring up the mint or gum.
This will freshen bad breath temporarily
Most people will understand they have halitosis and need some professional help. It is very difficult thing to do, but it has to be done and some people will require a point-blank message that they have halitosis and need to do something about it for their own good.
Communicate With Others
The halitosis problem cannot be ignored. You will actually help the person with the problem by discussing it with them. The person may have a medical malady and may have to see a dentist of a doctor to find out that the root cause of the halitosis is. It may be a serious problem that could lead to heart disease or cancer. You will be saving that person's life by dealing with their halitosis.
Most people with halitosis are totally ignorant of their halitosis problem.
Personal Obligation
Bad breath has solutions. Halitosis can be eliminated. It is just plain courtesy to ensure that other people do not have to put up with an individual's deficiency in personal care or just outright laziness. People with halitosis can help solve their halitosis problem by using excellent oral hygiene that will ensure that halitosis does not become a hazard. Sometimes it is hard to tell people they have a bad breath problem, but they need to be cognizant of how they are adversely affecting people they come in contact with.
To freshen bad breath or not? That is the question. It is noble to answer with a resounding -Yes.