Diets for People With Ulcers
- If you are suffering from ulcers, your doctor will give you a list of food and drinks to avoid. These foods will include coffee and other caffeinated beverages like tea and cola, citrus fruits and acidic foods like apples and tomato sauce. These foods have acidic properties and could further irritate the ulcer or make it worse. Avoid eating spicy foods, or foods that contain lots of saturated fat. Avoid drinking alcohol, which can erode the lining in the intestines and stomach.
- When you are suffering from ulcers, it is important to eat three meals a day, very slowly and carefully. Sit upright while you're eating and for about one hour afterward, to prevent acid reflux. You shouldn't eat three hours before bedtime to prevent acid from building up in the small intestine. Take an antacid, if necessary, directly after dinner.
- When you are having an ulcerative outbreak or flare-up, stay away from acidic foods and spicy foods, and eat only basic foods, like yogurt, whole grain or white bread, pasta, fresh fruit, vegetables and cottage cheese. Otherwise, eat responsibly and try to eat spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol sparingly. Take an over-the-counter or prescription antacid if necessary. On special occasions, you may be able to consume these foods with the help of an antacid, like Tums.