Copywriting - Words That Increase Sales
We should not be surprised that this knowledge has likewise been brought into our online marketing world-- for use as an effective tool.
It has made possible the (almost formulaic) creation of better copy by those who have been lucky enough to receive the information for their integration unto their websites.
The concept of right-brain versus left-brain functions is critical because our buyers' rational against emotional thinking play a pivotal role in the decision toward buying.
Our brain's left hemisphere is our analytical, critical, organized, linear and logical thinking side; while our right hemisphere is our emotional, creative, and intuitive side.
Because purchases are made on emotion, copywriting should appeal mostly to the right side of our brain.
Leave out the intellectual, rational and boring words.
Concentrate on the use of emotional words.
The following are specific examples of Rational (Left-Brain) words vs.
Emotional (Right-Brain) words: Avoid using an attractive cover instead use a good looking cover Avoid using a huge profit instead use a giant profit Avoid using if instead use when-- as this connotes the assumption that a sale has been made.
Here is a partial list that you can use.
The words on the left are the Rational (Left-Brain) words and the ones on the right are the Emotional (Right-Brain) words.
Use the words on the right column; avoid the ones on the left: attractive - good looking beneficial - good for courageous - brave futile - hopeless gratification - enjoyment huge - giant immediately - right now jesting - joking learn - find out manufacture - make nude - naked omit - leave out perceive - see receive - get select - pick/choose tardy - late utilize - use wealthy - rich youthful - young Meanwhile there are words and phrases that increase sales; and should be used in creating copy whenever possible.
Capitalize on the following sales generators: A- acclaimed, amazingly simple, announcing, appetizing, automatically B- booming, breakthrough C- cash in, critical D- discover, does the trick E- easy-to-follow, enhanced electrifying, exciting, exclusive, exponential F- fantastic, fascinating, first, free G- generous, golden nugget, good-as-gold, guaranteed H- how-to, handy, high-voltage, honest-to-goodness I- improved, incredible, initial, introducing L- legendary, limited offer, love M- megawatt, mouthwatering N- never been easier, new, no-holds-barred O- one-stop shopping, outstanding, overwhelming P- phenomenal, pioneer, powerful, proven techniques R- rejuvenating, renewed, renowned, reproducible, revealed, revolutionary S- secrets, serene, shocking, skilled, special, spectacular, startling, step-by-step, successful, super T- tactic, tempting, time-sensitive, trailblazing, trick U- ultimate, unbeatable, unforgettable, uninhibited, unique, unlimited, urgent W- within minutes, wonderful Y- you